Steps to Prevent Social Engineering Fraud

Author, Jack Marrs, Associate Account Executive, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

Social engineering fraud is when cybercriminals impersonate a trusted individual to manipulate others into performing actions such as making wire transfers, sharing confidential information, or granting access to their systems. It is often confused with hacking, but the two are fundamentally different. Hacking involves identifying vulnerabilities in software to breach a system, where as social engineering fraud relies on impersonation and manipulation to trick individuals into helping the cybercriminal.

Navigating Snow and Ice Contracts: Best Practices for Landscape Contractors

In this first episode of a special two-part series, Landscape Group Vice President Drew Garcia, is joined by Josh Ferguson, attorney with Freeman Mathis & Gary, to discuss risk management for snow and ice operations and what landscape contractors should know.

Exploring the Self-Insured Group Alternative

Author, Kevin Howard, Account Executive, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

The fabric of the California’s workers’ compensation landscape is ever changing. Most California-based subcontractors utilize what are called guaranteed cost options for their workers’ compensation needs. This is a safe option that allows for business owners to budget for their overhead costs, however, they have minimal control based on the ebbs and flows of the market. Additionally, with medical inflation and litigated claims on the rise, CA is now experiencing a hardening market as rate increases threaten 2025 and beyond. 

Natural Disasters and Severe Weather: A Workplace Safety Guide

Author, Jadyn Brandt, Client Communications Coordinator, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

Some of the most catastrophic fires in California history are currently burning in Los Angeles, and 2024 saw no shortage of other extreme weather, from flooding in the Northeast to record-breaking heat in the Southwest.

Mitigating Inland Marine Losses

Author, Casey Craig, Account Executive, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

Inland marine insurance can sometimes be a forgotten line item in some construction companies’ insurance portfolio. This insurance covers your materials, equipment and tools once they are in the field or in transit. Sometimes insured’s feel they have coverage through their property insurance but once the equipment, materials or tools leave your premises, inland marine is the line of insurance that covers you.

US Bureau of Labor Statistics Updates Fatal Work Injuries Data

Author, Jadyn Brandt, Client Communications Coordinator, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics has released their Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries Summary for 2023. This data highlights important safety trends across multiple industries and demographics, and can be helpful in determining what areas an employer should look to emphasize in their safety program.

Reviewing 2024 Insurance Landscape and Forecasting into 2025

Author, Greg Garcia, Account Executive, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

Now that we’ve turned our calendars and 2024 has come to an end, I wanted to give a brief review of the current state of the auto insurance and workers’ compensation markets within the green industries (i.e., lawn, landscape and tree care).

Putting Your Best Foot Forward: Slip and Fall Preparedness

Author, Jadyn Brandt, Client Communications Coordinator, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

With winter fast approaching, it’s important that employees are prepared to handle potential hazards caused by the change in weather. Slip and fall prevention is essential for any businesses operating in areas where employees will encounter rain, ice, and snow during the workday.

Five Tips to Protect Your HVAC and Plumbing Vehicles from Break-Ins

Author, Matt Gorham, Account executive, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

Contractors’ vehicles have long been a preferred target for thieves. Due to their distinct shapes and often eye catching branding, contractors’ vehicles are generally easy to identify, and they often contain thousands of dollars’ worth of tools, equipment, and materials.

Most Commonly Reclassified Lawn Care and Landscape Workers Compensation Governing Codes

Author, Drew Garcia, Vice President, Landscape Group, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

The year 2025 will mark my 10th year working with landscape, lawn care and tree care professionals across the country. This long-term approach allows our team the time to learn and grow with the industry. Being able to understand landscape operations and accurately relay this information to the insurance carriers is a critical component to the overall insurance program we put together for our clients.

Market Update: Sexual Misconduct Liability in Healthcare Organizations

Author, Sam Brown, Vice President, Human Services Group, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

Rancho Mesa’s insurance brokers specializing in healthcare, education and non-profit organizations continue to navigate the hardening insurance marketplace, characterized by tighter underwriting guidelines, reduced limits of liability, increased deductibles, and higher policy premiums.

Navigating Subcontract Agreements with Charles Stec, J.D.

In the first of a special two-part series, Construction Group Vice President Daniel Frazee and Landscape Group Vice President Drew Garcia, interview Charles Stec, J.D., accomplished attorney at Lanak and Hanna, to discuss how construction companies can best navigate subcontract agreements. 

Recommended Strategies to Open Capacity for your Bond Program

Author, Matt Gaynor, Director of Surety, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

Most of our contractor bond accounts are provided a single bond/aggregate capacity program to determine the size of projects they can bid and the amount of capacity that is available in the program for future projects. The most effective way to ensure you have available capacity for an upcoming bid is to communicate with your bond agent well in advance of the bid date to ensure the project will be approved by the bond company. On certain occasions, an upcoming project may put you over the top of your approved capacity. This is the time your agent must work hard on your behalf to represent to the bond company why this project makes sense to add to the program. 

OSHA Tips to Protect Workers During the Holiday Season

Author, Jadyn Brandt, Client Communications Coordinator, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

As the holiday season approaches, many businesses will experience an increase in demand that can put an extra strain on a workplace and its employees. The surge in work often means more safety challenges for an employer. To deal with the additional strain, employers may be hiring new or seasonal employees, bringing in additional volunteers, and/or expanding their hours. Despite these changes, safety should still remain a top priority.

Umbrella vs. Excess Liability: The Key Differences Contractors Need to Know

Author, Sam Clayton, Vice President, Construction Group, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

When reviewing insurance requirements that contractors receive from municipalities and/or general contractors, two lines of coverage that are often misunderstood are umbrella and excess liability. These terms are commonly interchangeable in the contract, but have subtle differences. In addition, the limits required by contracts are increasing significantly.

Cal/OSHA Releases Top Safety Citations for 2024

Author, Jadyn Brandt, Client Communications Coordinator, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) recently released its Top 10 List of Most Frequently Cited Standards for fiscal year 2024. Each year, OSHA compiles a list of the most common workplace safety hazards. Understanding these new numbers can provide insight for employers on potential safety issues within their organizations. While OSHA’s list includes the top ten citations, we will focus on the top five critical violations.