Ep. 420 Mid-Year Insights - Trends in the Commercial Insurance Marketplace
Rancho Mesa's Alyssa Burley sits down with President Dave Garcia to provide us with some mid year insights and trends in the commercial insurance marketplace.
Ep. 419 Protecting Commercial Property Investments through Vacancy Permit Endorsements
Commercial real estate owners may face significant exposure nationally due to vacancy clauses and policy exclusions. The vacancy permit endorsement can potentially fill a major coverage gap within commercial property policies for landlords. Today Alyssa Burley sits down with Kevin Howard, a partner with Rancho Mesa to discuss the vacancy permit endorsements and why they’re important for property owners.
Ep. 418 California Minimum Wage Increases for July 2024
This year has seen several changes to minimum wage in the State of California. On January 1, 2024, the California general minimum wage increased to $16 per hour, regardless of tips. However, as of July, several individual industries across the State, including healthcare, saw minimum wage increases.
Ep. 417 Transitioning from a Credit-Based to a Standard Surety Program
Rancho Mesa's Alyssa Burley and Account Executive of the Surety Department Andy Roberts discuss transitioning from a credit-based surety program to a standard program.
Ep. 416 A Sit Down with Cal/OSHA's Consultation Services
Alyssa Burley from Rancho Mesa is joined by Carmen Cisneros, San Diego Area Manager of Cal/OSHA's Consultation Services. Together, they explore the range of services available to California business owners to ensure workplace safety for their employees.
Ep. 415 Understanding the Importance of Your Workers’ Compensation Unit Stat Filing Date
Rancho Mesa's Alyssa Burley and Account Executive in the Landscape Group Greg Garcia discuss the importance of your workers’ compensation unit stat filing date.
Ep. 414 Tools for Completing Your Workplace Violence Prevention Plan
Rancho Mesa's Alyssa Burley and Marketing & Media Communications Specialist Lauren Stumpf discuss the July 1st deadline for Workplace Violence Prevention plans in California.
Ep. 413 Leveraging Your Experience Modification Rating to Your Advantage
Rancho Mesa's Alyssa Burley and Account Executive Matt Gorham discuss how business owners can leverage their experience modification rating to their advantage.
Ep. 409 Understanding Insurance Options for Tree Care Vehicles with Permanently Mounted Equipment
Rancho Mesa's Client Technology Coordinator Kathryn Zamora and Account Executive of the Tree Care Group Rory Anderson discuss insurance options for tree care vehicles with permanently mounted equipment.
Ep. 408 Safety Star Program Moves to SafetyOne™ Platform
Rancho Mesa's Alyssa Burley and Marketing & Media Communications Specialist Lauren Stumpf discuss the RM365 Advantage Safety Star™ program in the SafetyOne™ platform.
Ep. 407 Beyond Insurance: Employer Strategies to Prevent Wage and Hour Claims
Rancho Mesa's Alyssa Burley and Vice President of the Human Services Group Sam Brown discuss wage and hour claims.
Ep. 406 Driver Training Updates
Rancho Mesa's Alyssa Burley and Client Communications Coordinator Megan Lockhart talk about the updated driver training courses in the SafetyOne™ platform.
Ep. 405 Building an Effective Renewal Submission in a Hard Market
Rancho Mesa's Alyssa Burley and Associate Account Executive Jack Marrs discuss how to build an effective renewal submission in a hard market.
Ep. 404 Surety Bonding: Understanding the Client-Broker-Carrier Relationship
Rancho Mesa's Alyssa Burley and Director of Surety Matt Gaynor discuss the client/broker/carrier relationship specifically for surety bonds.
Ep. 403 Return to Work Programs: Best Practices for Handling Workers' Comp Claims
Rancho Mesa's Media Communications & Client Services Manager Alyssa Burley and Account Executive Casey Craig discuss return to work programs as a best practice for handling workers’ compensation claims.
Ep. 402 National Electrical Safety Month Preventing Hazards in the Construction Industry
Rancho Mesa's Alyssa Burley and Client Technology Coordinator Kathryn Zamora discuss how clients can use the month of May as an opportunity to reevaluate workplace electrical safety and prevent shock or fire.
Ep. 401 Focus on Frequency with a Small Work Comp Deductible
Rancho Mesa's Alyssa Burley and Vice President of the Landscape Group, Drew Garcia, discuss how landscape businesses can focus on their incident frequency while utilizing a small workers’ compensation deductible.
Ep. 400 SafetyOne™ Toolbox Talk Screens Gets Revised Navigation Layout
Rancho Mesa's Alyssa Burley and Client Communications Coordinator Megan Lockhart discuss changes to the Toolbox Talks screens in the SafetyOne™ administrator website.
Ep. 399 WCIRB Files for Workers’ Comp Rate Increase
Rancho Mesa's Lauren Stumpf and Vice President of the Construction Group Sam Clayton discuss the Workers’ Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau's (WCIRB) recommended increase in the advisory pure premium rates.
Ep. 398 SafetyOne™ Update Allows Embedded Links to Observations
Rancho Mesa's Alyssa Burley and Marketing & Media Communications Specialist Lauren Stumpf discuss the new update for SafetyOne™ that allows clients to add links to their custom Observation questions.
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