Ep. 390 California Updates Required Employment Pamphlets
Rancho Mesa's Alyssa Burley and Marketing & Media Communications Specialist Lauren Stumpf discuss the recent updates made by the State of California to the required employer provided employee labor pamphlets.
Ep. 389 Dual Wage Thresholds Set To Increase Again
Rancho Mesa's Alyssa Burley and Account Executive Matt Gorham discuss the impending dual wage threshold increase.
Ep. 388 Ladder Safety Month
March is National Ladder Safety Month, and in this episode Rancho Mesa's Alyssa Burley and Client Communications Coordinator Megan Lockhart discuss the importance of promoting ladder safety in the workplace and the resources clients can utilize in order to do that.
Ep. 387 Avoid Audit Nightmares with Properly Classified Tree Care
Rancho Mesa's Alyssa Burley and Account Executive of the Tree Care Group Rory Anderson discuss properly classifying equipment and vehicle maintenance operations, in the tree care industry, to avoid insurance audit nightmares.
Ep. 386 New Toolbox Talks for Land Care Industry
Rancho Mesa's Alyssa Burley is joined by Client Communications Coordinator Megan Lockhart to discuss new toolbox talks in the SafetyOne™ application that are specific to the landscape and land care industries.
Ep. 385 Anne Wright Explores NECA San Diego with Andy Berg
Rancho Mesa’s Surety Relationship Executive Anne Wright interviews Andy Berg, Executive Director of National Electrical Contractors Association (NECA) San Diego. Andy discusses his successful history with NECA since joining the organization in 2002, and issues facing contractors today.
Ep. 384 Smart Water Tech with Weathermatic's Jared Rice
Rancho Mesa’s Drew Garcia, Vice President of the Landscape Group, interviews Jared Rice, Executive Vice President of Weathermatic, as they discuss smart water tech for landscape professionals and the company’s narrowed approach to irrigation and water management.
Ep. 383 Litigation Funding Contributes to Higher Claim Amounts and Premiums
Rancho Mesa's Alyssa Burley and Vice President of the Human Services Group Sam Brown discuss how litigation funding contributes to higher claim amounts and insurance premiums.
Ep. 382 California Rainy Season Offers Online Training Opportunity for Employees
Rancho Mesa's Alyssa Burley is joined by Client Communications Coordinator Megan Lockhart. California, along with other parts of the United States, have experienced record storms this year. Alyssa and Megan discuss why the stormy weather offers a good opportunity for employees to freshen up on their safety and operational skills with online training.
Ep. 381 Critical Importance of Nonprofit Executive Transition Planning
Rancho Mesa's Alyssa Burley and Associate Account Executive Jack Marrs discuss the critical importance of nonprofit executive transition planning and the role of executive directors.
Ep. 380 Time to Submit Your OSHA Forms: A Refresher
Rancho Mesa's Alyssa Burley and Client Communications Coordinator Megan Lockhart give everyone a refresher on what companies need to know about submitting OSHA recordkeeping data.
Ep. 379 Performance Bonds for Private Equity Contractors
Rancho Mesa's Alyssa Burley and Director of Surety Matt Gaynor discuss performance bonds for private equity contractors.
Ep. 378 Strategically Grow Your Construction Company
Rancho Mesa's Media Communications & Client Services Manager Alyssa Burley and Account Executive Casey Craig discuss how to strategically grow a construction company.
Ep. 377 Optimizing Landscapers' Commercial Auto Insurance
Rancho Mesa's Alyssa Burley and Vice President of the Landscape Group, Drew Garcia, discuss optimizing landscapers’ commercial auto insurance. Drew, welcome to the show.
Ep. 376 Sowing Success: Leaders Forum 2024 Recap
Rancho Mesa's Alyssa Burley interviews Greg Garcia, Account Executive in the Landscape Group, as he recaps his experiences attending Leaders Forum 2024 in Litibu, Nayarit, Mexico.
Ep. 375 Top 5 OSHA Violations Trends and Solutions
Rancho Mesa's Alyssa Burley and Vice President of the Construction Group Sam Clayton discuss the top 5 OSHA violation trends and solutions in 2023.
Ep. 374 PWI San Diego Hosts Membership Kick-Off Social
President of Rancho Mesa Insurance Dave Garcia interviews Client Manager Megan Smidt on her upbringing, personal life, and professional career.
Ep. 373 Best Practices Tips for Lowering Your Commercial Auto Rates
Rancho Mesa's Lauren Stumpf and Account Executive Jeremy Hoolihan discuss California Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara’s emergency property insurance plan, in response to property insurance companies fleeing CA.
Ep. 372 Unlocking Working Capital in Construction: Options for Reducing or Releasing Retention
Rancho Mesa's Alyssa Burley and Account Executive of the Surety Department Andy Roberts discuss unlocking working capital, specifically how subcontractors can reduce or release retention faster.
Ep. 371 Navigating the Construction Labor Shortage: Factors and Strategies for Success
Rancho Mesa's Alyssa Burley and Account Executive Kevin Howard discuss the labor shortage in the construction industry and strategies to mitigate the effects.
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