Ep. 467 Reviewing 2024 Insurance Landscape and Forecasting into 2025
Rancho Mesa's Alyssa Burley and Greg Garcia, Account Executive with the Landscape and Tree Care Group, review the 2024 landscape insurance market and discuss what 2025 has in store.
Ep. 464 Keeping Compliance Simple by Updating Employee Counts in the RM365 HRAdvantage™ Portal
Rancho Mesa’s Alyssa Burley and Client Technology Coordinator, Brenda Khalil, discuss the importance of keeping your employee count up-to-date in Rancho Mesa’s RM365 HRAdvantage™ Portal.
Ep. 451 Employer's Guide to Handling Cumulative Trauma Claims
Rancho Mesa's Media Communications & Client Services Manager Alyssa Burley and Account Executive Casey Craig discuss how employers can handle cumulative trauma claims.
Ep. 445 Best Practices Approach to Insuring Janitorial Companies
Rancho Mesa's Alyssa Burley and Jeremy Hoolihan, Partner and Account Executive of the Janitorial Group, discuss the best practices for insuring janitorial companies.
Ep. 442 New SafetyOne™ Toolbox Talks Added for the Tree Care Industry
Rancho Mesa's Alyssa Burley sits down with Client Technology Coordinator Brenda Khalil to discuss the new tree care-specific toolbox talks in the SafetyOne ™ mobile app.
Ep. 437 Trim the Risk Professional Liability for Tree Care Companies
Rancho Mesa's Alyssa Burley and Rory Anderson, Partner and Account Executive of the Tree Care Group discuss professional liability for tree care companies.
Ep. 421 Governor Signs PAGA Reform
Rancho Mesa's Alyssa Burley sits down with Partner Jeremy Hoolihan to discuss the July 1s legislation that was passed by California Governor Gavin Newsom to reform the Private Attorney’s General Act (PAGA).
Ep. 416 A Sit Down with Cal/OSHA's Consultation Services
Alyssa Burley from Rancho Mesa is joined by Carmen Cisneros, San Diego Area Manager of Cal/OSHA's Consultation Services. Together, they explore the range of services available to California business owners to ensure workplace safety for their employees.
Ep. 414 Tools for Completing Your Workplace Violence Prevention Plan
Rancho Mesa's Alyssa Burley and Marketing & Media Communications Specialist Lauren Stumpf discuss the July 1st deadline for Workplace Violence Prevention plans in California.
Ep. 409 Understanding Insurance Options for Tree Care Vehicles with Permanently Mounted Equipment
Rancho Mesa's Client Technology Coordinator Kathryn Zamora and Account Executive of the Tree Care Group Rory Anderson discuss insurance options for tree care vehicles with permanently mounted equipment.
Ep. 402 National Electrical Safety Month Preventing Hazards in the Construction Industry
Rancho Mesa's Alyssa Burley and Client Technology Coordinator Kathryn Zamora discuss how clients can use the month of May as an opportunity to reevaluate workplace electrical safety and prevent shock or fire.
Ep. 399 WCIRB Files for Workers’ Comp Rate Increase
Rancho Mesa's Lauren Stumpf and Vice President of the Construction Group Sam Clayton discuss the Workers’ Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau's (WCIRB) recommended increase in the advisory pure premium rates.
Ep. 397 Property Insurance in California Continues to be a Ticking Time Bomb
Rancho Mesa's Lauren Stumpf and Account Executive Jeremy Hoolihan discuss the state of property insurance in California.
Ep. 391 Empower Your Crew: The Importance of Heat Illness Training and Preparedness
Rancho Mesa's Alyssa Burley and Account Executive in the Landscape Group Greg Garcia discuss heat illness prevention.
Ep. 390 California Updates Required Employment Pamphlets
Rancho Mesa's Alyssa Burley and Marketing & Media Communications Specialist Lauren Stumpf discuss the recent updates made by the State of California to the required employer provided employee labor pamphlets.
Ep. 389 Dual Wage Thresholds Set To Increase Again
Rancho Mesa's Alyssa Burley and Account Executive Matt Gorham discuss the impending dual wage threshold increase.
Ep. 388 Ladder Safety Month
March is National Ladder Safety Month, and in this episode Rancho Mesa's Alyssa Burley and Client Communications Coordinator Megan Lockhart discuss the importance of promoting ladder safety in the workplace and the resources clients can utilize in order to do that.
Ep. 387 Avoid Audit Nightmares with Properly Classified Tree Care
Rancho Mesa's Alyssa Burley and Account Executive of the Tree Care Group Rory Anderson discuss properly classifying equipment and vehicle maintenance operations, in the tree care industry, to avoid insurance audit nightmares.
Ep. 377 Optimizing Landscapers' Commercial Auto Insurance
Rancho Mesa's Alyssa Burley and Vice President of the Landscape Group, Drew Garcia, discuss optimizing landscapers’ commercial auto insurance. Drew, welcome to the show.
Ep. 370 OSHA 10 Training Tailored to the Green Industry
Rancho Mesa's Alyssa Burley and Vice President of the Landscape Group Drew Garcia talk about safety program leading indicators.
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