Megan Lockhart

National Electrical Safety Month: Preventing Hazards in the Construction Industry

Author, Megan Lockhart, Client Communications Coordinator, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

We’ve just started the month of May, National Electrical Safety month. The Electrical Safety Foundation International (ESFI) dedicates this month annually to help reduce electrical-related fatalities, injuries, and property loss.

Distracted Driving Awareness Month: Prevent Fleet Accidents Through Training

Author, Megan Lockhart, Client Communications Coordinator, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month across the nation. The month is dedicated to preventing distractions while driving as well as spreading awareness of these dangers on the road.

California Rainy Season Offers Online Training Opportunity for Employees

Author, Megan Lockhart, Client Communications Coordinator, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

Californians have experienced record storms this year along with other parts of the United States. However, with Spring on the horizon, construction companies are preparing for rainier months still ahead. When job sites close due to rain and flooding, it's a good opportunity for employees to use that time to revisit safety and operational skills with online training.

OSHA Form Submission Time: A Refresh

Author, Megan Lockhart, Client Communications Coordinator, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

It's that time of the year again, when employers review their work-related injuries and illnesses from the past year and fill out their OSHA 300A Form. Companies in designated industries must electronically submit the 300A Form to OSHA by March 2nd, 2024. As this deadline swiftly approaches, let’s review further details of these requirements.

Safety Evolution: General Contractors Begin Requiring Safety Helmets Over Hard Hats

Author, Megan Lockhart, Client Communications Coordinator, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

The hard hat has long been a staple for construction-site safety. However, a new contender has entered the industry in 2023 as more and more general contractors are requiring safety helmets.

SB 553: Governor Signs New Law for Workplace Violence Prevention Requirements

Author, Megan Lockhart, Client Communications Coordinator, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

On September 30, 2023 Governor Newsom signed into law new standards for California companies regarding workplace violence. Effective July 1, 2024, Senate Bill 553 (SB 553) will expand requirements for recordkeeping, injury and illness prevention programs, and employee training.

OSHA Officially Rules for Expanded Recordkeeping Requirements for High-Hazard Industries

Author, Megan Lockhart, Client Communications Coordinator, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

Recently, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) made its final ruling to expand recordkeeping requirements for high-hazard industries, such as construction. The new requirements will take effect January 1, 2024 and will expand on what injury and illness information is needed to be electronically submitted to OSHA.

Fire Prevention Month: Revisiting Fire Preparedness

Author, Megan Lockhart, Client Communications Coordinator, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

October is Fire Prevention Month. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) dedicated this month to spreading awareness for fire safety and prevention. The construction industry is particularly vulnerable to fire danger, making this a good time to re-evaluate your company’s fire hazards and training protocol. 

Random Acts of Violence: Are They OSHA Recordable?

Author, Megan Lockhart, Client Communications Coordinator, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

Are random acts of violence OSHA recordable? This is a question many companies, particularly those that are required to report to OSHA annually, may ask. Whether the incident involves construction workers building in a high-crime area, or employees encountering hostile customers, determining if violent injuries are work-related is not always a black and white decision.

Digitalization in the Construction Industry: A How-To Guide

Author, Megan Lockhart, Client Communications Coordinator, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

The construction industry stands as one of the biggest contributors to the U.S. economy. With the rapid advancements in technology, however, it still stands out as one of the least digitized industries in the world. While traditionally, construction companies have been loyal to paper methods, digitalization in construction brings many benefits such as increased efficiency, improved safety, and enhanced communication.

Is Your Organization at Risk? Assessing the Need for an AI Policy

Author, Megan Lockhart, Client Communications Coordinator, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

Since the release of ChatGPT this year, it seems every technology platform is incorporating Artificial Intelligence (AI) into their products. However, concerns are quickly rising about the effects AI technology may have on industries. As more companies begin to incorporate AI into their products and operations, now is the time to reevaluate the necessity of an AI policy for your organization.

Back to the Books: Fall Months Call for Driver Preparedness

Author, Megan Lockhart, Media Communications and Client Services Coordinator, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

As schools begin filtering back into session, more vehicles flood the roads in the mornings and afternoons. The “rush hour” traffic is back in full swing. From construction workers on their way to the jobsite to parents rushing their kids to school, more vehicles on the road means more risk for accidents, and an uptick in insurance claims.