Safety Evolution: General Contractors Begin Requiring Safety Helmets Over Hard Hats

Author, Megan Lockhart, Client Communications Coordinator, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

The hard hat has long been a staple for construction-site safety. However, a new contender has entered the industry in 2023 as more and more general contractors are requiring safety helmets.

The safety helmet, while similar in form to the normal hard hat, includes added protection such as chin strap, face shield, and ear muffs. These new features allow for the helmet to sit more securely on the head while also protecting the ears from dangerously high noise levels and the eyes from possible debris. 

“Since we made the switch to the new style hard hat, our employees don’t want to go back to the old-style hard hat,” Gilbane Building Company said. “This technology successfully removes the hazard of the hard hat falling off during a task, and wearing the face shield eliminates the possibility of forgetting to wear eye protection.”

While OSHA does not officially require the switch from hard hats to safety helmets, the topic was brought up at the Nation Association of Home Builders (NAHB) Spring Leadership Meeting in June 2023 in which director of OSHA’s Office of the Directorate of Construction, Scott Ketcham, granted insight on OSHA’s plans to improve jobsite safety with elevated standards for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in the near future.

“One initiative shared at the meeting is a pilot program for safety helmets meant to eventually replace hardhats as the preferred head protection in construction,” NAHB’s article about the meeting said. “Ketcham noted that 20% of head injuries in construction are the result of slips, trips, and falls and that hardhats do not protect against such injuries while helmets with chinstraps may stay on the head during a fall and offer protection.”

As PPE continues to evolve in the construction industry, it's important for subcontractors to be aware of what might be required of them on their job sites. Although no current laws require safety helmets over hard hats, Rancho Mesa will continue to offer updates as standards change.


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