National Ladder Safety Month: Preventing Injury Through Education

Author, Megan Lockhart, Client Communications Coordinator, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

March is National Ladder Safety Month. Spearheaded by the American Ladder Institute (ALI), this month is dedicated to promoting safe ladder use. 

Tens of thousands of injuries and hundreds of deaths are caused by the improper use of ladders annually. The construction industry is particularly at risk for ladder injuries. Year after year, its one of the top 10 most common OSHA violations in the nation, so this is a good opportunity to evaluate your company’s ladder training and safety protocol. 

Rancho Mesa offers resources in the SafetyOne™ app with online training courses such as general Ladder Safety and Ladder Safety in Construction Environments.

The platform also has the following ladder safety toolbox talks that supervisors can administer to employees:

  • Job Built Ladder Safety

  • Ladder Types

  • Ladder Usage

  • Ladder Safety for Landscape Contractors

  • Ladder Tips

  • Five Ways to Prevent Electrocutions from Portable Ladders

  • Ladders and Stairways

Rancho Mesa is also hosting an in-person Ladder Safety workshop on Friday, March 22, which will be recorded and available to view on our website in the coming weeks.

For questions about accessing the online resources in SafetyOne, clients can reach out to their Client Technology Coordinator.


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