Construction Death Rate Not Decreasing as Expected

Author, Casey Craig, Account Executive, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

With the heightened safety regulations and OSHA guidelines over the past decade, many would think we are working in a much safer environment with fewer fatalities. Despite the rising number of employees and using a standard based off deaths per 100,000 employees, the data is showing that the number of fatalities are the same as they were a decade ago.

With a much larger workforce, OSHA is severely understaffed compared to the previous decade. The agency does not have enough inspectors to visit nearly enough jobsites. They have been more reactive in the sense that they are imposing fines on companies after they have had losses. These fines represent a fraction of what it would take to motivate construction companies to revamp their respective safety programs. Employers have factored these fines into the cost of business to a certain extent.

OSHA is now contemplating whether it is worth doubling the jobsite inspections annually and/or increase fines drastically. There is no solid data to link an increase in jobsite inspections to fewer fatalities, so the logical answer would be heavier fines and a push for more negligent death claims to be criminally prosecuted.

Either of these options will lead to more oversite or more fines for the construction industry as a whole. One critical approach you can take is to prepare yourself as a business owner. Be proactive. Consider working with the consultation branch of OSHA to visit your operation and jobsites. This division within OSHA does not issue fines or violations. They do, however, offer recommendations and advice on how to make your operation safer. With the potential of OSHA’s fines increasing, it is time to make sure that your company is on the forefront of safety. A great first step is reaching out to your insurance broker to help you meet requirements and push you to exceed. With a potential recession looming, it is important to make sure you have insulated your company from risk, so you have the best chance at thriving.

If you have any urgent questions on this topic, you can reach me directly at (619) 438-6900 or email me at


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