Work Comp Unit Stat: The Meeting That Saves You Money

Author, Drew Garcia, Vice President, Landscape Group, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

Image of papers with bar and line graphs on them and a laptop on wooden table.

California business owners are aware that their experience modifier (XMOD) is published annually, roughly three to four months before the expiration of their current workers compensation policy term. However, more often than not, companies are missing an incredible opportunity to make an impact on the calculation of their XMOD by strategically evaluating their work comp claims prior to the most critical month in the XMOD calendar known as Unit Stat.

The Workers’ Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau (WCIRB) defines the process of receiving loss and payroll information by classification as the Unit Statistical Report. The information is reported to the WCIRB by insurance carriers at specific intervals based on your company’s policy effective date. The information is valued for the first time 18 months after the inception of your policy and every 12 months thereafter. 

A policy that incepts in January 2020 will be valued for the first time in July of 2021 (18 month mark). This information will remain in your XMOD calculation for the valuations at 30 months and 42 months.

Once this information has been received by the WCIRB, from the respective carriers, it cannot be altered or changed until the following year’s unit stat. Thus, you may have a positive outcome on an existing open claim (reserve reduction or closure) but not see the benefit until the following year. Revisions to the XMOD once published are limited to a few circumstances; more information about revisions can be found here.

The loss information, sent to the WCIRB from the insurance carriers, will be evaluated at the paid (closed claim) or reserved (open claim) amounts. Typically, a claim that has been open for longer than 18 months signifies severity, litigation, lost time, permanent disability, or a combination of the group. For this reason it is absolutely critical that as a part of your risk management process you execute a
pre-unit stat meeting.

  • When should I schedule my Unit Stat meeting?

  • What should I do at this meeting?

  • Who needs to be involved?

  • How will this meeting save me money?

As a client of Rancho Mesa, we build this meeting into your annual service plan and take care of engaging the parties who need to be involved for the betterment of your XMOD. 

Ready to learn more about Unit Stat? Join us for a complimentary 25-minute webinar where we will discuss the process in greater detail and take time for Q&A.

Still not sure if further learning is necessary, ask yourself these questions:

  • Have you ever been surprised by your XMOD being higher than you would have thought?

  • Have you ever had an XMOD above 1.00?

  • Has your XMOD ever caused your premium to increase?

The webinar can be viewed on-demand by clicking the link below.


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