Author, Emily Marasso, Media Communications Assistant, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

Screenshot of OSHA Injury Tracking Application Login Page

The holidays have come and gone and here we are at the end of another great year. Year-end means calendar updates, process changes and document reviews, as well as time to prepare for filing your OSHA 300A form. 

The OSHA 300A form is a summary of injuries and illnesses which occurred on the job during the calendar year. The form must be filed electronically on the Injury Track Application (ITA) starting January 2, 2020. Deadline for 2019 data submissions is March 2, 2020. It must be displayed from February 1, 2020 to April 30, 2020.

Don’t forget, if you are a Rancho Mesa client and utilize the Risk Management Center Incident Track feature, you have access to generate the Cal/OSHA 300A form and export it to a CSV file. From there you can upload it to the OSHA website.

Rancho Mesa has put together a 5-minute tutorial video on how to generate the electronic 300A form data file from the Risk Management Center, that can be uploaded to the Injury Tracking Application website for reporting the data.

For questions about how to track the injury and illness data in the Risk Management Center, contact Alyssa Burley at (619) 438-6869.


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