Can I create generic user accounts that are shared between multiple people for the SafetyOne platform?
No, Rancho Mesa’s user agreement requires that each SafetyOne™ user (i.e., Administrator, Supervisor, Employee, Field Employee, Training Manager, and Trainee) has their own individual username and password to ensure data integrity. Sharing generic logins is not permitted.
No, Rancho Mesa’s user agreement requires that each SafetyOne™ user (i.e., Administrator, Supervisor, Employee, Field Employee, Training Manager, and Trainee) has their own individual username and password to ensure data integrity. Sharing generic logins is not permitted.
This rule was established to prevent data integrity issues which would render certain functions unusable.
Data integrity is important when utilizing technology to manage and administer a safety program. Accurate data is imperative for documentation and reporting purposes.
For this reason, SafetyOne users cannot share logins to access and/or use the mobile app or website.
Issues Caused by Generic User Logins
Toolbox Talks
When a toolbox talk is completed in the SafetyOne mobile app, a report is automatically generated. The system logs the topic, project, date and time, and the person who conducted the toolbox talk. If multiple supervisors or foremen are using one login, the administrator won’t know who actually conducted the safety meeting and they won’t be able to filter or sort the records by the specific supervisor or foreman, either.
When providing individuals with their own login, the platform will accurately document who conducted the toolbox talk safety meeting.
Risk Observations
The Observations tool allows users to complete safety inspections or audits on their jobsites and facilities. If a generic login is used to access the SafetyOne mobile app and complete these observations, the report will not show the person who actually conducted the observation, nor could the person conducting the observation assign another user to correct issues that are found. Since the mobile app sends notifications based on the individual user, if a generic login is used, all users would be notified of an issue. This defeats the purpose of assigning an individual to fix an issue.
So, if there is an incident where an employee is injured as a result of something like a ladder failure and an inspection was done on the ladder only a day before the incident, and a generic user was assigned to fix the issue, the documentation would not accurately show who conducted the inspection nor who was actually assigned. It would only show the generic user logins. When providing individuals with their own login, the platform will accurately document who is responsible for the observation and correcting any issues that are found..
Mobile Forms
Mobile forms would also be negatively affected by using a generic SafetyOne login. Again, if a generic login is used to complete a mobile form, the person receiving the completed form will not know who it is from.
These are just a few examples of why using a generic user login for multiple people is not permitted in SafetyOne.
Contact your Client Technology Coordinator for additional questions.