Industry News

California Workers' Comp Carriers React to Commissioner's COVID-19 Amendment Approval
Author, Alyssa Burley, Media Communications and Client Services Manager, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.
With California Insurance Commissioner Lara’s recent approval of a special regulatory filing introduced to alleviate the burden COVID-19 workers’ compensation (WC) claims threaten to have on California employers, we reached out to several prominent carrier executives to share their thoughts.
Author, Alyssa Burley, Media Communications and Client Services Manager, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.
With California Insurance Commissioner Lara’s recent approval of a special regulatory filing introduced to alleviate the burden COVID-19 workers’ compensation (WC) claims threaten to have on California employers, we reached out to several prominent carrier executives to share their thoughts.
The amendments address accounting for employees whose job duties have changed to clerical work, which is typically a less expensive workers’ compensation insurance classification than the jobs they were performing prior to Governor Newsom’s March 19, 2020 Stay-at-Home Executive Order. It also excludes payroll for furloughed employees who are not working, but collecting a paycheck. It creates a way to identify COVID-19 cases within the California workers’ compensation system and excludes the cases from the Experience Modification Rate (XMOD) calculation.
When asked about the amendments scheduled to take effect July 1, 2020, Margaret Hartmann, Senior Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer at Berkshire Hathaway Homestate Companies, California’s second largest workers’ compensation insurance carrier, said “Lara’s approval of the WCIRB [Workers’ Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau] proposal was not surprising. These are not unreasonable, at least from the perspective of ratemaking and predicting future experience of employers once COVID passes.”
Bryan Anderson, Senior Vice President at The Zenith explained the WCIRB’s amendments to the California Unit Statistical Reporting Plan and XMOD calculation were “not likely to change under any normal circumstances but the Bureau made these recommendations to address the unique pandemic situation that California (and the world’s) businesses find themselves in."
Another industry leader Paul Zamora, ICW Group’s Senior Vice President for Workers’ Compensation Underwriting said, “We support Commissioner Lara’s decision to approve the recommended changes by the WCIRB. We believe the rule modifications accurately reflect changes in exposures created by COVID-19 and will provide the appropriate relief needed by California businesses.”
The changes were expected by California’s workers’ compensation insurance carriers as a mechanism to adjust employers’ insurance rates, since COVID-19 claims aren’t necessarily an indicator of a company’s safety record.
“Under normal situations,” Anderson explained, “workers’ compensation covers only those occupational illnesses that are created from the work environment. In this instance, that understanding changed with the Governor’s Executive Order requiring employers to accept compensability for Covid-19 claims unless they can prove they are not work-related.”
Hartmann added, “This is clear cost-shifting to the industry, which we expected. The combination of a broad WC presumption, possible additional legislation extending these presumptions past July 5th, excluding COVID from ratemaking and XMODs, means that the insurance industry will absorb the lion’s share of COVID costs that can be assigned to WC.”
Zamora points out “it’s imperative that business owners understand the rule changes and adopt new practices, particularly with respect to the record keeping criteria associated with two of the changes. By adopting new record keeping procedures to apply to the new rules, policyholders will have the necessary audit documentation to realize the full value of Commissioner Lara’s decision.”
This means employers should start documenting employees’ hours worked under each class code, now, and not wait until a final audit.
“Hopefully, these measures will play a small part in helping California employers as they try to recover from the devastating impacts of this pandemic,” Hartmann concluded.
“I think this solution is a testament to the strength and objectivity of the Bureau, the companies it represents and to the integrity of the Workers’ Compensation Industry in California,” said Anderson.
Gene Simpson, CompWest’s Vice President of Underwriting and Marketing, added, “To confront the challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic to California employers, regulatory authorities, insurance carriers and employers must work together on effective solutions.”
While the amendments should reduce workers’ compensation premium costs for California businesses in the short-term, only time will tell how lower revenues and higher costs due to COVID-19 claims will impact California’s workers’ compensation insurance premiums in the future.
For a greater understanding of these changes and how they will impact your company, please contact our team at (619) 937-0164.
Berkshire Hathaway Homestate Companies and Rancho Mesa Participate in Nationally Renowned LANDSCAPES 2017
Author, Drew Garcia, NALP Program Director, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.
The Berkshire Hathaway Homestate Companies (BHHC) and Rancho Mesa Insurance Services (RMI) teamed up at the annual LANDSCAPES 2017 convention, the Green Industry & Equipment (GIE) Expo, and the Hardscape North America (HNA) Tradeshow, in Louisville, Kentucky, on October 17-20, 2017.
Author, Drew Garcia, NALP Program Director, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.
Berkshire Hathaway Homestate Companies and Rancho Mesa Insurance Services NALP Program Team
The Berkshire Hathaway Homestate Companies (BHHC) and Rancho Mesa Insurance Services (RMI) teamed up at the annual LANDSCAPES 2017 convention, the Green Industry & Equipment (GIE) Expo, and the Hardscape North America (HNA) Tradeshow, in Louisville, Kentucky, on October 17-20, 2017.
The group consisted of Senior Vice President Margaret Hartmann, NALP Assistant Director of Underwriting Valerie Contreras, NALP Program Underwriter Davis Cooper, NALP Client Services Coordinator Emily Docuyanan, and NALP Senior Loss Control Specialist Steve Hamilton from BHHC, and agency Principal Dave Garcia and NALP Program Director Drew Garcia from RMI.
Davis Cooper, NALP Program Underwriter, Berkshire Hathaway Homestate Companies
The BHHC and RMI group participated in a multitude of event programs as speakers, ambassadors, and audience. BHHC and RMI championed four breakfast table topics, a breakout education session based on risk mitigation and cost savings, and took time to speak with association members about the program within National Association of Landscape Professionals' (NALP) booth at the expo.
NALP Program Board Presentation
Sam Steel, NALP Safety Advisor & Steve Hamilton, BHHC
Membership Meeting
“The event was a great success," said Dave Garcia. "It’s amazing to see so many like-minded people dedicated to improving themselves and their companies while building upon the professionalism this industry holds as standard. We are so proud to be a part of this amazing industry and look forward to a long lasting partnership with NALP for years to come.”
NALP Group
Davis Cooper and Drew Garcia at the booth
Davis Cooper speaking with attendees at the booth
I really enjoyed connecting with NALP members and learning about their individual companies. LANDSCAPES provides an environment for motivated industry professionals to share ideas, learn, and form long lasting relationships. The overwhelming commonality is this identified desire for industry veterans to give back to the community that helped them succeed. It’s easy to build off that energy and puts into perspective that our Work Comp Program is providing the level of specialized attention this industry deserves. I'm excited to keep the momentum going while constantly looking for ways to improve our product so that we can provide more to lawn and landscape professionals.
For more information about the NALP Workers' Compensation Program, contact Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc. at (619) 937-0164.