Elmination of Hazards

Equipment Hazards and Ways to Reduce Exposure

Author, Daniel Frazee, Executive Vice President, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

The very nature of the construction business creates risk; from injuries in the course of employment, damage to property, third party liability, etc. One important area that can be overlooked is equipment security. While there is simply no way to eliminate 100% of risk to equipment, there are several steps a contractor can take to initiate proper controls and minimize losses in this area.

3 Practical Reasons for Timely Claims Reporting

Author, Jim Malone, Claims Advocate, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

When a work-related accident occurs, as a business owner or manager, it is our nature to want to analyze the situation in order to learn how to avoid it in the future. However, the reporting of the incident is equally as important. With the recent requirement to report first aid claims, timely reporting for all claims is recognized as being critical for a number of reasons.