
How to Choose a Workers’ Compensation Carrier Partner

Author, Dave Garcia, President, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

Many years ago, when I was a young producer, one workers’ compensation carrier legend pulled me aside and told me never to forget that a workers’ compensation decision is not a one-year decision, but at least a 4-year decision. Of course, policies are only written on a one-year basis but what he was teaching me was that the carrier you choose will handle all the claims you have through your Experience Modification cycle. So, evaluating and recommending a workers’ compensation partner for my clients just became a much more thorough analysis of many critical factors beyond just the premium.

Four Factors that Shape your Risk Profile

Author, Drew Garcia, Vice President, Landscape Group, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

How do you differentiate your company from your local competitors? Product, customer service, delivery, etc. The same can be said for your risk profile and insurance costs. Why are my insurance rates high when my competitors are low? This article breaks down four factors that influence your risk profile and impact pricing.

Home Care Dishonesty Bonds and Client Property Theft Coverage Are Not Created Equal

Author, Chase Hixson, Account Executive, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

A common misconception in the home care industry is assuming a Home Care Dishonesty Bond is the same as having coverage for theft of client property. Many business owners don’t realize that Home Care Dishonesty Bonds, following the payment of a claim, will seek reimbursement from the business owner. That means the business owner is ultimately going to pay the claim if they don’t have an insurance policy to cover this type of act.