ANSI Releases New Mobile Elevating Work Platforms Standards

Author, Casey Craig, Account Executive, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

Image of a woman construction worker on top of mobile elevated platform.

Last year, the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) updated their aerial lift standard, starting with renaming it Mobile Elevating Work Platforms (MEWP). This has been in the works since 2018 and is designed to align training, certifications, and equipment used on a more universal standard. According to the Center for Construction Research and Training (CPWR), roughly 26 people die from MEWP each year. This prompted the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to increase training requirements to keep accidents to a minimum. Obviously, MEWP are essential for completing a wide variety of construction jobs. So, what should you, as a business owner, be doing to ensure your employees are safe and in compliance when OSHA comes by your jobsites?

MEWP are prone to tipping over on uneven ground and in inclement weather conditions, if equipment is extended out. The most common cause of the MEWP tipping over is driving it over uneven surfaces. Understandably, many contractors rush to complete projects but moving extended lifts can be the easiest way to have a serious accident. Alternatively, taking proper time to lower a lift before moving it leads to fewer serious accidents.

Identifying exposures and objects that conflict with a lift’s surroundings is also of great concern for lift operators. A very common occurrence involves employees being pinned between the lift and an object. It is easy to become fixated on either the ground or the direction the lift is moving and ”miss” objects that could be hazardous as you are raising and lowering the lift. Allowing for time to plan ahead and move the machinery safely is immensely important.

Many of these new requirements are focused on teaching proper equipment use and creating an awareness of the changes to new equipment in the marketplace. Inherently, these machines are dangerous but necessary. So, maintaining a respect for them and understanding how to properly use them is vital. Lift use trainings, techniques, and protocol are available through our Risk Management Center and are compliant with the new ANSI/SAIA A92.20, A92.22, and A92.24 standards that were just released, last year.

Please reach out to me at or call at 619-937-0164 for more information, or for help assigning the trainings.


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