The Importance of Properly Classifying Stump Grinding Operations

Author, Rory Anderson, Account Executive, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

Almost all tree care companies’ operations include stump grinding. Stump grinders are powerful machines that are designed to chew away and grind a tree stump down into little pieces, after a tree has been cut down. The operator guides the blade over the stump to take it down below ground level. Because stump grinding is done from the ground, it can create some confusion for tree care companies on how to properly classify this exposure for workers’ compensation insurance. A lot of tree care companies assume that because the employee operating the stump grinder is on the ground, it should be classified in 0042 – Landscape Gardening, which is more cost effective than classifying them in 0106 – Tree Pruning. However, this assumption is incorrect. It’s important to understand how and where to classify this exposure, so you’re not setting yourself up for an issue at the audit.

The Workers’ Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau defines all class codes to help companies classify specific operations. Let’s look at how they define 0106 Tree Pruning, Repairing or Trimming.

0106 Tree Pruning, Repairing or Trimming
This classification applies to pruning, repairing or trimming trees or hedges when any portion of the operations requires elevation, including but not limited to using ladders, lifts or by climbing. This classification includes clean-up, chipping or removal of debris; stump grinding or removal; and tree spraying or fumigating that are performed in connection with tree pruning, repairing or trimming. This classification also applies to the removal of trees that retain no timber value.

According to this definition, a tree care company must report stump grinding in 0106 if the stump grinding is in connection to the 0106 tree work that they performed. Even though the stump grinding operator is working from the ground, they must be classified as 0106 because the stump grinding is performed in connection with the 0106 tree work that they performed.

For example, a specific job calls for the removal of four valley oak trees. The arborists from a tree care company spend the morning climbing, trimming, and removing the four trees. A few hours later, the ground crew grinds all four stumps down using the stump grinder. Per the WCIRB classification definition, the ground crew who are operating the stump grinder must be classified in 0106 because it was in connection to the 0106 tree work that they (the company) performed.

The WCIRB also states that “stump grinding performed for other concerns on a fee basis and not in connection with tree pruning, repairing or trimming at a particular job or location shall be classified as 3724 – Millwright Work.”

To clarify, a tree care company may report stump grinding in the 3724 Millwright Work class code if it has no connection to 0106 tree work. So, in other words, you may only report stump grinding in 3724 if the job calls for only stump grinding.

For example, a homeowner has a stump in their backyard and calls a tree care company out to grind the stump down. This work may be classified in 3724 Millwright Work only if the tree care company did not trim or remove the tree first; they simply showed up and grinded the stump.

Having an insurance agent who specializes in the tree care industry is instrumental in building trust so that this critical information is communicated to you properly. With this information, you can have the confidence that you are reporting payroll correctly and avoid classification issues that can potentially arise at the final audit.

For questions about your operations and corresponding tree care classification codes, contact me at (619) 486-6437 or


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