Rancho Mesa News

Rancho Mesa Hosts Preparing for a CalOSHA Visit Workshop
Author, Jadyn Brandt, Client Communications Coordinator, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.
On Friday, August 23, 2024, Rancho Mesa enjoyed a great turnout for its workshop, Protect Your Company with Contractual Risk Transfer, presented by Alan Coppola from Travelers.
Author, Jadyn Brandt, Client Communications Coordinator, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.
On Friday, January 17, attendees gathered at Rancho Mesa’s Mission Valley office for the Preparing for a Cal/OSHA Visit workshop, presented by Carmen Cisneros of the California’s Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA) Consultation Services Branch.
Cisneros explained the differences between a Cal/OSHA consultation versus an inspection visit, broke down the basics of enforcement, and gave tips on how to follow proposed regulations.
Attendees were able to ask questions and better familiarize themselves with the Cal/OSHA reporting and inspection process.
For more information on keeping in compliance with OSHA regulations, register for Rancho Mesa’s upcoming OSHA Recordkeeping and Annual Reporting webinar.
Cal/OSHA Consultation Services: Workshop Recap
Author, Megan Lockhart, Media Communications and Client Services Coordinator, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.
On Friday, January 13, attendees met at the Mission Valley Library for the Cal/OSHA’s Consultation Services: A Proactive Approach to Workplace Safety Workshop.
Author, Megan Lockhart, Client Communications Coordinator, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.
On Friday, January 26, attendees met at the Mission Valley Library for the Cal/OSHA’s Consultation Services: A Proactive Approach to Workplace Safety Workshop.
Business owners, safety directors, managers, and supervisors listened as Cal/OSHA Consultation Branch Manager, Carmen Cisneros, presented valuable information about how their companies can effectively utilize Cal/OSHA’s Consultation Services.
Cisneros explained the benefits of Cal/OSHA Consultation, a free service separate from the enforcement branch that’s designed to help employers learn what is needed for compliance while issuing no citations or penalties for what they may find. She also shared personal anecdotes to highlight the importance of following construction safety guidelines.
Rancho Mesa appreciates Carmen and Cal/OSHA for presenting this valuable information for businesses and we are pleased to be able to offer workshops on important topics such as these to our clients.
For more information about utilizing Cal/OSHA’s Consultation Branch, clients can visit the Cal/OSHA website.
Rancho Mesa Hosts Cal/OSHA’s Consultation Services Workshop
Author, Megan Lockhart, Media Communications and Client Services Coordinator, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.
On Friday, January 13, attendees met at the Mission Valley Library for the Cal/OSHA’s Consultation Services: A Proactive Approach to Workplace Safety Workshop.
Author, Megan Lockhart, Media Communications and Client Services Coordinator, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.
On Friday, January 13, attendees met at the Mission Valley Library for the Cal/OSHA’s Consultation Services: A Proactive Approach to Workplace Safety Workshop.
Business owners, safety directors, managers, and supervisors listened as Cal/OSHA Consultation Branch Manager, Carmen Cisneros, presented valuable information about how their companies can effectively utilize Cal/OSHA’s Consultation Services.
Cisneros explained the benefits of Cal/OSHA Consultation, a free service separate from the enforcement branch. It is designed to help employers learn what is needed for compliance while issuing no citations or penalties for what they may find.
Rancho Mesa appreciates Carmen and Cal/OSHA for presenting this valuable information for businesses and we are pleased to be able to offer workshops on important topics such as these to our clients.
For more information about utilizing Cal/OSHA’s Consultation Branch, please visit the Cal/OSHA website.
Cal/OSHA Covid-19 Prevention Plan Webinar with Carmen Cisneros
Author, Emily Marasso, Media Communications Assistant, Rancho Mesa Insurances Services, Inc.
January 21st, 2021, Rancho Mesa was joined by Cal/OSHA San Diego Consultation Branch Area Manager, Carmen Cisneros, to learn about the standards set in place by Cal/OSHA’s COVID-19 Prevention Emergency Temporary Standards.
Author, Emily Marasso, Media Communications Assistant, Rancho Mesa Insurances Services, Inc.
January 21st, 2021, Rancho Mesa was joined by Cal/OSHA San Diego Consultation Branch Area Manager, Carmen Cisneros, to learn about the standards set in place by Cal/OSHA’s COVID-19 Prevention Emergency Temporary Standards.
A wide variety of topics, based around the pandemic, were covered. Face mask requirements, prevention plan requirements, and recording and reporting standards were just a few of the areas addressed during the webinar.
A good source to bookmark for questions is Cal/OSHA’s FAQ page. Since questions are always being added, they have now provided a date at the bottom of the page to show when it was last updated.
The live webinar lasted just over an hour. Cal/OSHA has a 4-hour webinar available that covers the information in greater detail. The webinars are free and you can register on the Cal/OSHA Consultation website.
We want to remind you that the Cal/OSHA consultation department is here to help you. If you are interested in having a consultant visit your site or provide guidance, visit the Consultation section of the Cal/OSHA website.
Cal/OSHA: Enforcement vs. Consultation Workshop Educates Local Business Owners
Author, Emily Marasso, Media Communications Assistant, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.
Do you know the difference between the Enforcement Branch and Consultation Branch of Cal/OSHA? On January 22, 2020, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc. hosted a workshop led by Carmen Cisneros, Area Manager from the Cal/OSHA Consultation Services Branch in San Diego.
Author, Emily Marasso, Media Communications Assistant, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.
Do you know the difference between the Enforcement Branch and Consultation Branch of Cal/OSHA? On January 22, 2020, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc. hosted a workshop led by Carmen Cisneros, Area Manager from the Cal/OSHA Consultation Services Branch in San Diego. The workshop was held at the Boys & Girls Club of East County and covered how Cal/OSHA’s consultation branch can be a helpful resource to improve workplace safety.
Carmen suggests any business with an Experience Modification (XMOD) over 125, contact Cal/OSHA for a free onsite consultation. Have the consultation held at a jobsite to ensure you get accurate suggested improvements.
In addition to improving workplace safety, requesting a consultation from Cal/OSHA may assist your business in becoming eligible for the Golden Gate Program. Contact Cal/OSHA Consultation for more details.
Laws and guidelines will continue to change. The Cal/OSHA Consultation Branch is there to help make your job sites safer and hopefully assist in avoiding a visit from the Enforcement Branch.
To learn more about Cal/OSHA’s consultation services, contact your location branch office.
Rancho Mesa Co-Hosts OSHA 10 Course with Sentry Insurance
Author, Lauren Stumpf, Media Communications Assistant, Rancho Mesa Insurance, Inc.
On May 23 & 24, 2019 Rancho Mesa Insurance Services co-hosted the OSHA 10 Course for the Construction Industry at the San Diego Christian College in Santee, CA. The two-day training was provided by Sentry Insurance.
Author, Lauren Stumpf, Media Communications Assistant, Rancho Mesa Insurance, Inc.
On May 23 & 24, 2019 Rancho Mesa Insurance Services co-hosted the OSHA 10 Course for the Construction Industry at the San Diego Christian College in Santee, CA. The two-day training was provided by Sentry Insurance.
Ken Grote, a Senior Safety Services Consultant for Sentry, taught the course covering a variety of topics such as the differences between Cal/OSHA and federal OSHA, hazard communication, fall prevention, proper scaffold usage, working safely with electricity, hearing protection, reducing falls, trenching and excavation safety, personal protective equipment (PPE), and much more.
Thank you Sentry Insurance for providing this valuable training to Rancho Mesa Insurance clients.
About Sentry
Sentry Insurance started in 1904 and has grown to become one of the largest, and financially secure mutual insurance companies in the nation. They have recently opened their West Coast Regional office in Irvine, CA. At Sentry—because they are a mutual insurance company—their business is built on a foundation of service to their policyholders. Although they’ve grown and changed a lot over the past 110 years, one thing hasn’t changed. They still work to serve policyholders, and to help their clients’ businesses thrive. For more information, visit www.sentry.com.
Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc. is proud to partner with Sentry Insurance. They hand-picked Rancho Mesa as a business partner to grow their market share, due to Rancho Mesa’s expertise in the construction area.
Rancho Mesa Co-Hosts OSHA 10 Course for Landscape Industry
Author, Lauren Stumpf, Media Communications Assistant, Rancho Mesa Insurance, Inc.
On May 14 & 15, 2019 Rancho Mesa Insurance Services’ clients attended the OSHA 10 Course for the Landscape Industry at the San Diego Christian College in Santee, CA.
The OSHA 10 Course for the Landscape Industry is a two day training provided by the National Association of Landscape Professionals (NALP) in partnership with Berkshire Hathaway Homestate Companies (BHHC) and Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.
Author, Lauren Stumpf, Media Communications Assistant, Rancho Mesa Insurance, Inc.
Attendees holding certificates after completion of the OSHA 10 Course for the Landscape Industry.
On May 14 & 15, 2019 Rancho Mesa Insurance Services’ co-hosted the OSHA 10 Course for the Landscape Industry at the San Diego Christian College in Santee, CA.
The OSHA 10 Course for the Landscape Industry is a two-day training provided by Berkshire Hathaway Homestate Companies (BHHC) in partnership with the National Association of Landscape Professionals (NALP) and Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.
Multiple companies were in attendance at the workshop, including Atlas Tree Service, Four Seasons Tree Care, Inc., Heaviland Landscape Management, Rancho West Landscape, Inc., Pacific Green Landscape, Inc., True Lawn Care, Inc., and Urban Habitat.
Art Marquez of BHHC started off the training with an introduction of the history of OSHA. Steve Hamilton taught the rest of the course covering a variety of topics such as the fatal four hazards (i.e., fall protection, caught in or between, electrical exposures, and struck-by hazards), material handling storage/use, and stairways/ladders. Steve and Art are in the Loss Control department at BHHC, which assists the insureds with safety related trainings and site inspections to ensure that they are not doing anything that would create a hazard or potential claim.
Rancho Mesa Kicks Off the Year With First Workshop
Author, Lauren Stumpf, Media Communications Assistant, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc
On Friday, January 11, 2019, Rancho Mesa hosted their first workshop of the year: Cal/OSHA: Enforcement vs. Consultation. The workshop took place at San Diego Christian College in Santee, CA.
Area Manager of the Cal/OSHA Consultation Services Branch, Carmen H. Cisneros, delivered an informative presentation on the various services Cal/OSHA provides for companies.
Author, Lauren Stumpf, Media Communications Assistant, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.
On Friday, January 11, 2019, Rancho Mesa hosted their first workshop of the year: Cal/OSHA: Enforcement vs. Consultation. The workshop took place at San Diego Christian College in Santee, CA.
Area Manager of the Cal/OSHA Consultation Services Branch, Carmen H. Cisneros, delivered an informative presentation on the various services Cal/OSHA provides for companies. Instead of employers dreading Cal/OSHA visits, her goal is to educate business leaders and have them work side-by-side with Cal/OSHA to create a better workplace safety environment. She covered topics such as, onsite assistance, partnership programs, top 10 Cal/OSHA citations, and resources that OSHA provides.
Attendees came away with a better understanding of the various ways they can utilize Cal/OSHA for the benefit of their company’s safety. Carmen suggests scheduling an onsite consultation with Cal/OSHA so a company can correct any problems, rather than have a hazard detected during inspection; resulting in fines.
If you missed this workshop and want to learn more about the services available, contact CAL/OSHA at (619) 767-2060 to set up a one-on-one meeting with Area Manager of the Cal/OSHA Consultation Services Branch, Carmen H. Cisneros. If you are outside of the San Diego area, click here to find the Cal/OSHA Consultation area office closest to you.
Contact Alyssa Burley at (619) 438-6869 for more information about upcoming workshops.
Click here for a helpful article written by Rancho Mesa’s Vice President of the Construction Group, Sam Clayton, outlining key steps to take before, during, and after an OSHA visit.