Cal/OSHA Covid-19 Prevention Plan Webinar with Carmen Cisneros

Author, Emily Marasso, Media Communications Assistant, Rancho Mesa Insurances Services, Inc.

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January 21st, 2021, Rancho Mesa was joined by Cal/OSHA San Diego Consultation Branch Area Manager, Carmen Cisneros, to learn about the standards set in place by Cal/OSHA’s COVID-19 Prevention Emergency Temporary Standards.

A wide variety of topics, based around the pandemic, were covered. Face mask requirements, prevention plan requirements, and recording and reporting standards were just a few of the areas addressed during the webinar. 

A good source to bookmark for questions is Cal/OSHA’s FAQ page. Since questions are always being added, they have now provided a date at the bottom of the page to show when it was last updated.

The live webinar lasted just over an hour. Cal/OSHA has a 4-hour webinar available that covers the information in greater detail. The webinars are free and you can register on the Cal/OSHA Consultation website.

We want to remind you that the Cal/OSHA consultation department is here to help you. If you are interested in having a consultant visit your site or provide guidance, visit the Consultation section of the Cal/OSHA website.


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