Cal/OSHA Consultation Services: Workshop Recap

Author, Megan Lockhart, Client Communications Coordinator, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

On Friday, January 26, attendees met at the Mission Valley Library for the Cal/OSHA’s Consultation Services: A Proactive Approach to Workplace Safety Workshop.

Business owners, safety directors, managers, and supervisors listened as Cal/OSHA Consultation Branch Manager, Carmen Cisneros, presented valuable information about how their companies can effectively utilize Cal/OSHA’s Consultation Services.

Cisneros explained the benefits of Cal/OSHA Consultation, a free service separate from the enforcement branch that’s designed to help employers learn what is needed for compliance while issuing no citations or penalties for what they may find. She also shared personal anecdotes to highlight the importance of following construction safety guidelines.

Rancho Mesa appreciates Carmen and Cal/OSHA for presenting this valuable information for businesses and we are pleased to be able to offer workshops on important topics such as these to our clients.

For more information about utilizing Cal/OSHA’s Consultation Branch, clients can visit the Cal/OSHA website.


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