Rancho Mesa News

Risk Management, Client Services Alyssa Burley Risk Management, Client Services Alyssa Burley

Rancho Mesa Hosts Preparing for a CalOSHA Visit Workshop

Author, Jadyn Brandt, Client Communications Coordinator, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

On Friday, August 23, 2024, Rancho Mesa enjoyed a great turnout for its workshop, Protect Your Company with Contractual Risk Transfer, presented by Alan Coppola from Travelers.

Author, Jadyn Brandt, Client Communications Coordinator, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

On Friday, January 17, attendees gathered at Rancho Mesa’s Mission Valley office for the Preparing for a Cal/OSHA Visit workshop, presented by Carmen Cisneros of the California’s Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA) Consultation Services Branch.

Cisneros explained the differences between a Cal/OSHA consultation versus an inspection visit, broke down the basics of enforcement, and gave tips on how to follow proposed regulations.

Attendees were able to ask questions and better familiarize themselves with the Cal/OSHA reporting and inspection process.

For more information on keeping in compliance with OSHA regulations, register for Rancho Mesa’s upcoming OSHA Recordkeeping and Annual Reporting webinar.

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Construction, Human Services, Landscape, News Guest User Construction, Human Services, Landscape, News Guest User

Cal/OSHA Covid-19 Prevention Plan Webinar with Carmen Cisneros

Author, Emily Marasso, Media Communications Assistant, Rancho Mesa Insurances Services, Inc.

January 21st, 2021, Rancho Mesa was joined by Cal/OSHA San Diego Consultation Branch Area Manager, Carmen Cisneros, to learn about the standards set in place by Cal/OSHA’s COVID-19 Prevention Emergency Temporary Standards.

Author, Emily Marasso, Media Communications Assistant, Rancho Mesa Insurances Services, Inc.

Image of slide.

January 21st, 2021, Rancho Mesa was joined by Cal/OSHA San Diego Consultation Branch Area Manager, Carmen Cisneros, to learn about the standards set in place by Cal/OSHA’s COVID-19 Prevention Emergency Temporary Standards.

A wide variety of topics, based around the pandemic, were covered. Face mask requirements, prevention plan requirements, and recording and reporting standards were just a few of the areas addressed during the webinar. 

A good source to bookmark for questions is Cal/OSHA’s FAQ page. Since questions are always being added, they have now provided a date at the bottom of the page to show when it was last updated.

The live webinar lasted just over an hour. Cal/OSHA has a 4-hour webinar available that covers the information in greater detail. The webinars are free and you can register on the Cal/OSHA Consultation website.

We want to remind you that the Cal/OSHA consultation department is here to help you. If you are interested in having a consultant visit your site or provide guidance, visit the Consultation section of the Cal/OSHA website.

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Construction, Human Services, Landscape, Agency, Video Alyssa Burley Construction, Human Services, Landscape, Agency, Video Alyssa Burley

Cal/OSHA Delivers Powerful Presentation

Author, Alyssa Burley, Client Services Coordinator, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

Business leaders from across San Diego County gathered on Thursday, January 4, 2018 for the Cal/OSHA: Enforcement vs. Consultation Branches workshop hosted by Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc. at San Diego Christian College.

Author, Alyssa Burley, Client Services Coordinator, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

Drew Garcia thanks workshop participants and Carmen Cisneros from Cal/OSHA.

Business leaders from across San Diego County gathered on Thursday, January 4, 2018 for the Cal/OSHA: Enforcement vs. Consultation Branches workshop hosted by Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc. at San Diego Christian College.

Carmen Cisneros, Cal/OSHA's Consultation Services Branch Area Manager, delivered an informative presentation covering the differences between Cal/OSHA’s enforcement and consultation branches. She educated the attendees on how to take advantage of Cal/OSHA's free consultation services and provided real-world examples of her experiences in the Enforcement Branch which sparked discussions with the audience.

"Thanks for putting these on, they are valuable tool that you provide to your clients and we appreciate it," said Tyler Rogers, Heritage Landscape Services, Inc.


Mission and Purpose

Carmen began the workshop by describing her experience within Cal/OSHA's Enforcement branch before moving into the Consultation branch.  She explained the goal of Cal/OSHA is to keep people safe.  Its "mission is to promote, adopt, and maintain reasonable and enforceable standards that will ensure safe and healthful workplace for California workers."  She enjoys working within the Consultation Branch where she can help employers be proactive with their approach to safety in the workplace.

Online Resources

During the presentation, Carmen covered various pages on the Cal/OSHA website (www.dir.ca.gov/dosh) and how to navigate through the site.  She explained where to find information on how business owners can participate in advisory meetings to assist Cal/OSHA in its regulations.


The presentation included practical information for business owners.  For example, Cal/OSHA's Enforcement Branch will respond to accidents, complaints, referrals, and imminent hazards. Carmen included definitions for terms like "catastrophe" (i.e., inpatient hospitalization of three (3) or more employees) and "serious exposure" (i.e., exposure to a hazardous substance sufficient to create a realistic possibility that death or serious physical harm in the future could result from the exposure). There was also a discussion on when and how to report an accident. When required, an employer must call to report the accident within 8 hours of knowledge of the event.  She also stressed the importance of documentation and recommended tracking the date and time the initial call was made to Cal/OSHA to report an incident.

Citations and Appeals

Carmen discussed the various categories of citations the Enforcement Branch may issue and provided maximum dollar amounts for each:

  • Regulatory (up to $7,000)
  • General (up to $7,000)
  • Serious (up to $25,000)
  • Repeat (no adjustment for good faith or history)
  • Failure to Abate (maximum penalty up to $15,000)
  • Willful (up to $75,000)

She also covered the Appeals Board process, including informal conferences and appeals.  The take away from this part of the presentation was that Cal/OSHA is willing to work with an employer who is genuinely taking steps to correct an issue.

Consultation Services

The main objective of the workshop was to inform employers that Cal/OSHA offers free consultation services. These are resources that are available to employers to ensure they maintain safe workplaces without the added pressure of citations or fines.  The Consultation Branch offers free:

  • Onsite visits
  • Offsite consultation (telephone support)
  • Educational materials
  • Educational outreach (workshops)
  • Partnership programs

In order for the Consultation Branch to work with an employer, they must be invited and the employer must not have any current citations or penalties

The Catch.  While information is not shared with the Enforcement Branch, "serious and imminent hazards identified during a consultation are expected to be corrected in a timely manner."  So, when working with the Consultation Branch, an employer is expected to make the recommended changes within the set time frame (i.e., within 30 days, immediately); otherwise, the Enforcement Branch may become involved to prevent a serious accident.    

The Cal/OSHA website has an extensive library of educational materials that employers can utilize to ensure their workplace is safe.

Contact Cal/OSHA to schedule a free consultation.

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