
Workers’ Compensation and General Liability Program
for Lawn and Landscape Professionals

Commercial Insurance for Lawn and Landscape Professionals

The LandOne™ program provides competitive commercial insurance solutions specific to the lawn and landscape industry. Rancho Mesa has pioneered an authentic all-encompassing service model to provide your landscape business with the tools you need to secure proper coverage, mitigate risk, track and train employees, and cultivate aggressive premiums.

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Workers’ Compensation

We provide coverage for your employees if they get hurt at work.

General Liability

Not all commercial general liability policies are the same. We have coverage enhancements for lawn and landscape businesses.

Commercial Auto

Rancho Mesa offer commercial auto coverage for your fleet and trailers.

Inland Marine

Get coverage for all of your equipment, equipment you rent, and product you temporarily have possession of that you will install like irrigation, lighting, plants, shrubs and trees.


Secure coverage for your building and contents within the building.


If you need an additional layer of protection for your business that hovers over your general liability, auto and employers liability, an excess policy might be what you need.

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Meet our Landscape Group Leader

Drew Garcia, Vice President of the Landscape Group

As a professional baseball player, Drew Garcia began his career at Rancho Mesa during the off season. When he wasn’t on the field, he was learning the fundamentals of the insurance industry. After he retired from baseball, Drew transitioned into a full-time career with Rancho Mesa. His background in sports has helped him look at business with a unique perspective based on teamwork and best practices.

After years of serving the landscape industry, Drew has developed a unique relationship with the National Association of Landscape Professionals (NALP) where he serves on the NALP Safety Committee. He has been quoted in Landscape Management magazine as an industry expert, published in The Landscape Professional magazine, podcast host on the StudioOne™ Safety & Risk Management Network, is the creator of Rancho Mesa’s proprietary landscape Mobility & Stretch Program.