Maximize Your KPI Dashboard Insight

Author, Drew Garcia, Vice President of the Landscape Group, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

Three years ago, Rancho Mesa launched our proprietary safety KPI dashboard, consolidating experience mod and industry benchmarking reports to one working document. As a Rancho Mesa customer, you can now maximize the benefit of your safety KPI dashboard by completing our baseline training which will challenge the stakeholders in your organization to understand the key concepts this document delivers.

With the training and subsequent quiz behind you, you will be poised with the ability to roadmap your company’s commitment to safety and answer some common questions like:

  • Do all work-related injuries impact my XMOD the same?

  • What is an indemnity claim?

  • What is my estimated renewal XMOD?

  • How do we compare to our industry? 

This training can also be used for employees who transition or are hired to help oversee your workers’ compensation program. 

Quickly bring these employees up to speed by developing their skills through our online dashboard training.

Maximize your relationship with Rancho Mesa and train your team to better handle your workers’ compenasation program.

This course will be available in the SafetyOne™ platform in May 2023.

For more information, contact Drew Garcia at (619) 937-0200 or


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