Ep. 301 Maximizing Your KPI Dashboard Insight

Rancho Mesa's Alyssa Burley and Vice President of the Landscape Group Drew Garcia talk about a new course that is about to launch, that helps clients understand how to analyze Rancho Mesa’s KPI Dashboard.

Show Notes: ⁠Subscribe to Rancho Mesa's Newsletter⁠.

Director/Host: ⁠Alyssa Burley⁠

Guest: ⁠Drew Garcia⁠

Producer/Editor: ⁠Lauren Stumpf⁠

Music: "Home" by JHS Pedals, “News Room News” by Spence

© Copyright 2023. Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc. All rights reserved.


[Introduction Music]

Alyssa Burley: Hi! This is Alyssa Burley with Rancho Mesa’s Media Communications and Client Services Department. Thank you for listening to today’s top Rancho Mesa news brought to you by our safety and risk management network, StudioOne™. Welcome back, everyone. My guest is Drew Garcia, Vice President of the landscape group with Rancho Mesa. Today, we're going to talk about a new course that is about to launch a really helps our clients understand how to analyze Rancho Mesa's KPI dashboard. Drew, thanks for joining me.

Drew Garcia: Alyssa, great to be back.

AB: Now you are our lucky last person that gets to record a podcast in this studio. We're actually moving to a new office next week. Are you excited about the new office?

DG: Oh, I think everybody in here is super excited. Really, really excited to see what StudioOne™ looks like over there. There's all a lot of speculation and rumors out there, but we heard that it looks amazing so I'm excited to see.

AB: Yeah, have you seen any pictures yet?

DG: Nothing. Nothing.

AB: That is awesome.

DG: I'm kind of, you know, my dad's the president, you know, and he's not telling me anything. It's kind of like Christmas all over again. When I was little, he was always good about keeping secrets and this is no exception to that. I got no idea what it looks like over there, so, I'm excited.

AB: That's awesome. I'm really excited for everyone to see the new office.

DG: Yeah, absolutely.

AB: All right, so let's get into the actual podcast. So first, for our listeners who may not be familiar with the KPI dashboard, will you give us just a quick overview of what it is?

DG: I will, yep. So, kind of before I go through the KPI, you know, Rancho Mesa, we always focused on education. I think it's been a big part of who we are as a company. We always tried to educate our customers versus just telling them things because we want to put them in a better position after we've left to maybe make some kind of a change within their company. And, the KPI dashboard was really a tool that we wanted to create that was going to consolidate the experience mod. So, experience mod forecasting, projection, how it's created, what years are impacting the experience mod the most, and then an industry benchmarking report where they can look at their peers and they can see kind of how they're doing in real time. So, we would have two sets of data and we wanted to put that onto one page so that the stakeholders at the company had something that they could hold and keep after we left the claim review or had a pre renewal or a renewal meeting, they had some information they could share back with their company. And, this was developed three years ago and we haven't changed any of the data so far. It's been working really, really well. But, we wanted to put our customers in a better position to make changes based on clean information and we feel like we accomplished that with the KPI dashboard.

AB: Yeah. So, what is actually covered in the course that talks about the KPI dashboard?

DG: So, the course is, it's going to be helpful for the people that are involved in work comp claim reviews. It's going to be helpful for anyone who is involved in running a safety program for a company because what the information that's provided on the KPI dashboard will create is an opportunity to look inside the numbers and looking on frequency, looking on severity, check the temperature of the experience mod. Maybe a CFO needs to forecast an experienced mod for future cost consideration for a work comp renewal. There's going to be a lot of information for anybody kind of in that realm that is looking to make an impact on their business from a safety or financial position. And, you know, what's nice about the training is, there can be some turnover in that position or you could be adding new team members to your work comp claim reviews or to your safety committee meetings and you need to bring people up to speed because not everybody is born with the ability to understand work comp. It can be frustrating and kind of confusing. So, we feel like this training is going to really help educate new people that are coming into that group for our business owners so that they're up to speed a little bit faster and they can, you know, hit the ground running and understand how work comp works and how they can make an impact within their business.

AB: Yeah, I think that's really important because if somebody new is coming in and they're looking at this data and it may be overwhelming, they may not really understand what they're looking at. I know that you've made it really easy once you go through the numbers people you can see in those meetings where their eyes light up and they're like, I get it now, but I think with a course like this, it'll really give people a deeper dive into what the numbers mean and why they're important. How can listeners get access to this course?

DG: This is the exciting part for me, you know, because we just launched SafetyOne™, the new mobile app, and this is going to be available within that system. So, what's great about that is, you know, the company admin who's overseeing their SafetyOne™ mobile application for the company is going to be able to administer this training to whoever they feel like needs it within the company. We mentioned CFOs, safety people, HR Personnel, anyone that would need this training has easy access to it. You don't need to reach out to Rancho Mesa and ask for it. It's going to be within your system and it's going to be something that they could use annually if they want to retrain those people or, like I mentioned, with that new hire, they're going to be able to use the mobile app to use this as more of an orientation into work comp and bring them up to speed quickly.

AB: That's great. I think this is just the beginning of a series of courses that we’ll be offering just to make sure that our clients fully understand what their insurance is and how it affects them and how they actually have the ability to affect their safety and their insurance so, that's really great. Drew, if listeners have questions about their KPI, what's the best way to get in touch with you?

DG: Yeah, email is best. They could reach out to me at dgarcia@ranchomesa.com and we'll be able to get in contact and help them out.

AB: Yeah, well thank you so much for joining me in StudioOne™ and it’s really exciting, this is the last episode in this studio and we will be in the new studio on our next episode!

[Outro Music]

DG: Absolutely looking forward to it. Thanks, Alyssa.

AB: This is Alyssa Burley with Rancho Mesa. Thanks for tuning in to our latest episode produced by StudioOne™. For more information, visit us at ranchomesa.com and subscribe to our weekly newsletter. 


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