Understanding the Importance of Your Workers’ Compensation Unit Stat Filing Date

Author, Greg Garcia, Account Executive, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

Imagine you are a landscaping company owner and your workers’ compensation policy just renewed January 1st. You are probably thinking, now what? Well, the next date that should be on your radar is June 30th, your unit stat date. Each unit stat date varies and with the actual filing taking place approximately 180 days from when the workers’ compensation policy was placed. The unit stat date is when all workers’ compensation claim activity is frozen, along with audited payroll information, and sent to the rating bureau so the experience modification (XMOD) can be calculated.  

As a reminder, your XMOD is determined by comparing your loss experience and historical payroll to others with similar class codes. The XMOD is derived from three years of audited payroll and losses suffered over those years.

If a particular claim is closed after your unit stat date, that claim will impact your next XMOD at the total incurred value before the unit stat date. Therefore, if you have a claim that can either be closed or reserves reduced, it is critical that this is done ahead of the unit stat date. Staying up to date with your claims adjuster and insurance professional ahead of the filing can quite literally save you points on your XMOD, which in turn can help to reduce your worker’s compensation annual premium.

Using one of the metrics on our proprietary KPI Dashboard, our clients are able to track the number of days until their unit stat date. Combining this KPI tool with our dedicated workers’ compensation claim advocate services at prescheduled claims reviews throughout the policy year helps to close the claims or mitigate claim costs in advance of the filing. This strategy can dramatically lower overall insurance costs.

If you have any questions about the unit stat or would like me to put together a custom KPI dashboard for your team, you can contact me at ggarcia@ranchomesa.com.


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