Leveraging Your Experience Modification Rating to Your Advantage

Author, Matt Gorham, Account executive, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

Your Experience Modification Rating (e.g., EMR, X-Mod, or Mod) can have a significant impact on controlling costs within your insurance program. While most business owners recognize that a lower EMR typically leads to lower insurance costs, few owners understand the mechanics for determining an EMR and how they can be used to proactively manage resources to their company’s benefit.

An EMR is determined by evaluating a company’s recent history of payrolls and job related injuries, relative to its own industry, to benchmark them to their peer group.

If a company’s incurred losses (both paid and reserved) exceed the average within its industry, it will result in a debit mod (i.e., EMRs above 100) which leads to higher premiums. If the incurred losses are less than the industry average, the company will earn a credit mod (i.e., EMRs under 100) resulting in lower premiums.

As your EMR changes from year to year, it will directly increase or decrease your company’s workers’ compensation premiums, thus impacting overhead costs. Higher EMRs will increase overhead costs and can lead to increased bid costs, reduced profit margins, and in some cases restrict you in the pre-qualification process.

In the construction world, passing higher costs on to your customers in a competitive bidding process can prevent you from securing contracts. Choosing instead to absorb those additional costs, however, can jeopardize your company’s growth, financial stability, or possibly stop you from having the funds necessary to complete the job.

But managing your EMR is more than simply having the good fortune to avoid expensive claims. It is important to recognize that not all claims impact your EMR the same. Severity and frequency of claims both play an important role in your EMR, as does your primary threshold.

Using these key data points, we are able to create a proprietary KPI dashboard for clients providing valuable insights to the mechanics of their EMR. Business owners are able to see their:

  • Primary Threshold and Maximum EMR Impact

  • Claim Dollars Equal to 1 Point of EMR

  • Maximum Controllable Points within the EMR

  • Individual Frequency Trends and Benchmarking to Industry

  • Individual Severity Trends and Benchmarking to Industry

  • Lowest Possible EMR

  • Projected EMR

Our KPI dashboard has become a must have tool for business owners, providing a better understanding of how to manage their EMR, allowing them to more reliably forecast overhead costs, and proactively address safety concerns. Coupled with Rancho Mesa’s in-house workers’ compensation claims advocate, business owners can more efficiently deploy resources and return-to-work programs to mitigate claim costs.

To request your own KPI dashboard and start putting it to use within your business, contact me at (619) 486-6554 or mgorham@ranchomesa.com.


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