Top Five Workers’ Compensation Claims That Impact a MEP’s Bottom Line

Author, Amber Webb, Account Executive, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

If you are a Mechanical, Electrical & Plumbing (MEP) contractor who wants to impact both your productivity and profitably, then the following is crucial for your success. Our MEP Group at Rancho Mesa understands the importance of identifying the top five workers’ compensation claims that impact your industry while providing pertinent resources to help mitigate that risk. By working with leading workers’ compensation carriers and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), we identified the top 5 workers’ compensation claims affecting the MEP industry:  

  1. Cut/Puncture/Scrape/Lacerations

  2. Slip/Falls from both same level and ladders/scaffolding

  3. Strains from lifting/handling/pushing/pulling

  4. Struck by object/Foreign Body in Eye

  5. Motor Vehicle Accident (injured employee)

With employee safety at the forefront of your operations, understanding where the claims are likely to come from and then having the support and tools in place to address those concerns is vital to your long term success. When injuries occur on the job, it impacts not only the life of the injured worker and their family but will directly impact the productivity and profitability of the project.

For our clients to proactively mitigate these exposures, we provide them with access to specific trainings related to these top MEP claims and OSHA citations from our Risk Management Center Library. Our Client Services team then works closely with our clients to customize their trainings while meeting their specific risk management needs. 

If you are not already a Rancho Mesa client, and would like a free trial of our Risk Management Center, please complete the form or contact Amber Webb at (619) 486-6562 or


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