Industry News

How Increased Material Costs Leave Contractors Underinsured
Author, Sam Clayton, Vice President, Construction Group, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.
Over the last 15 months, COVID-19 has brought numerous challenges to the construction industry. Second to only the labor shortage, the most pressing challenge faced by contractors is the spike in material costs which can leave them underinsured if a proper installation floater is not updated.
Author, Sam Clayton, Vice President, Construction Group, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.
Over the last 15 months, COVID-19 has brought numerous challenges to the construction industry. Second to only the labor shortage, the most pressing challenge faced by contractors is the spike in material costs which can leave them underinsured if a proper installation floater is not updated.
Lumber, steel, copper, and other building material costs rose anywhere from 100% to 500% between April 2020 and May 2021, depending on the material. Since most projects are bid 6 to 18 months prior to the start of construction, many suppliers and subcontractors were caught off guard and did not reflect these increases in their initial bids.
Most contractors will purchase an inland marine policy that provides coverage for their miscellaneous tools, scheduled equipment, rented or leased equipment as well as an installation floater. It is important for contractors to understand the installation floater and how the increase in material costs could leave a contractor underinsured in the event of a loss.
An installation floater policy provides protection for direct physical loss or damage to materials, as well as supplies and labor costs for property being installed at jobsites. Materials are also covered while in transit and stored at temporary locations. The floater also extends coverage to the property until the installation work is accepted by the purchaser or when the insured's interest in the installed property ceases.
So, in the event of a covered loss, which includes fire, theft, explosions, transit-related damage and vandalism, a contractor’s installation floater will respond with coverage.
Proactive contractors should rely on their insurance advisor to discuss and design a program that addresses these unforeseen material and labor increases. In advance, consider the amount of product stored at any jobsite at one time, the amount of product that can be at risk in transit, the value of product stored offsite (i.e., storage units) and the protections in place that secure your product.
To discuss how an installation floater can protect your company, contact me at (619) 937-0167 or sclayton@ranchomesa.com.
Manage Your COVID-19 Risk With These Tools
Author, Alyssa Burley, Media Communications and Client Services Manager, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.
While most of the country is under shelter-in-place orders, many of our clients work in essential industries that must continue to provide vital services to the community. Therefore, it is imperative that they have the tools they need to keep their employees safe.
Author, Alyssa Burley, Media Communications and Client Services Manager, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.
While most of the country is under shelter-in-place orders, many of our clients work in essential industries that must continue to provide vital services to the community. Therefore, it is imperative that they have the tools they need to keep their employees safe.
For those who must continue to operate, we’ve complied resources employers can use to implement COVID-19-specific written safety programs, provide employee training, and signage that can be posted in the workplace. Many of these resources are available in both English and Spanish.
Our goal is to provide the tools our clients’ needs to protect their employees.
Program Administration
Our risk management and safety partners have developed templates that employers can use, today.
COVID-19 Guide (English/Spanish)
This document should be reviewed by ownership and management for clarification on how to implement the COVID-19 Written Program.COVID-19 Guide Amendment A: Employee Has Tested Positive for COVID-19, Now What?
Amendment A provides instructions on what to do if your employee tests positive for the COVID-19 virus.
COVID-19 Health Screening Form (English/Spanish)
Each employee, should complete this form daily before performing any work. Foremen and supervisors should send these completed forms to management for record keeping purposes.COVID-19 Written Program (English/Spanish)
This program should be reviewed by all employees including ownership, management and workers in the field.COVID-19 Written Program Acknowledgement Form (English/Spanish)
All staff members must acknowledge they have read and understand the new program by signing the acknowledgement form.COVID-19 Checklist for Management (English/Spanish)
This checklist should be used daily for management to evaluate safety within the office for employees and identify any areas of concern.COVID-19 Checklist for Jobsites (English/Spanish)
This checklist should be used daily by foreman to evaluate the safety within the jobsite for employees and identify any areas of concern.COVID-19 Site-Specific Safety Plan
This site-specific safety plan may be required by a general contractor or site owner. It is a template employers can use to develop COVID-19 safety plans for specific jobsites where employees are working.
Training Staff
We have complied training that teach staff how to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus in the workplace through proper hygiene.
COVID-19 How to Prevent Catching & Spreading Coronavirus (English/Spanish)
Coronavirus and Workplace Hygiene (English/Spanish)
Safety Signage
In addition to proper training, signage is another way to remind employees of proper ways to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus within the workplace and among their co-workers.
CDC – Don’t’ Spread Germs at Work (English/Spanish)
CDC – Handwashing Sign (English/Spanish)
CDC – Handwashing: A Corporate Activity
COVID-19 – Do Not Enter If You Have Symptoms
COVID-19 – Eliminate the Spread Workday Flowchart
COVID-19 – How in infects and Spreads
COVID-19 – Prevention Practices – Why is soap better?
COVID-19 – Wash Hands Upon Entry Sign
To access these resources, login to the Risk Management Center and type in “COVID-19” or “Coronavirus” into the search box. If you already have an account but do not remember your login information, click the “Forgot Username or Password” link on the login screen.
We’ll continue to provide COVID-19 resources as they become available. Please visit www.ranchomesa.com/covid-19 for human resources content, insurance carrier statements and more.