Industry News

News, Workers' Compensation Guest User News, Workers' Compensation Guest User

Timely Reporting of Workers’ Compensation Claims Lower Overall Costs

Author, Jack Marrs, Associate Account Executive, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

Leading into 2022, it is important for employers to examine their workplace injury reporting practices. Specifically, employers should report all injuries including medical-only workplace injuries to their workers’ compensation insurance company. Best practices dictate all claims should be reported within the first 24 hours in order to improve treatment to the injured worker and reduce the overall cost of the claim to the employer.

Author, Jack Marrs, Associate Account Executive, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

Leading into 2022, it is important for employers to examine their workplace injury reporting practices. Specifically, employers should report all injuries including medical-only workplace injuries to their workers’ compensation insurance company. Best practices dictate all claims should be reported within the first 24 hours in order to improve treatment to the injured worker and reduce the overall cost of the claim to the employer.

A recent conversation with an underwriting manager highlighted the fact that some employers are choosing to pay for occupational clinic visits rather than filing a claim, assuming that small medical-only claims will negatively impact the Experience Modification Factor (X-mod) and ensuing workers’ compensation premiums. However, in actuality claims of $250 or less do not impact the X-mod. Not only are employers legally required to report workplace injuries, but those small claims can easily turn into something bigger, if not reported in a timely manner. Further, the reporting of all incidences can assist a company in identifying trends and root causes thereby allowing for proactive measure to be taken. Rancho Mesa’s proprietary Key Performance Indicator (KPI) dashboard helps track these trends and compare a company’s performance to that of their industry. Request a KPI dashboard for your company.  

Why then does reporting lag result in higher claim costs? An insurance carrier’s ability to investigate a claim, determine compensability, and identify fraud may be hindered as details of the incident fade, witnesses may no longer be available or key evidence may not be preserved. According to Liberty Mutual, a 29-day delay in reporting an injury can lead to a 33% increase in lost time, 52% higher average claim cost, and 152% increase in litigation rates. This makes sense when one considers that a delay in seeking treatment could cause an employee’s condition to worsen, extending recovery time and temporary disability payments.

Lastly, an employer paying a medical bill will pay much more than a workers’ compensation carrier would pay for that same bill as insurance companies negotiate a reduced fee schedule for occupational injuries. Bottom line, failure to report workplace incidents in a timely manner can put any organization and its employees at risk for no benefit. Contact Rancho Mesa to learn more about our Risk Management Center and how our free trainings and webinars can improve your reporting practices.

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Experience Mod KPI Provides Trend Analysis, Opportunity Assessment, and Vital Management Tools

Author, Drew Garcia, Vice President, Landscape Group, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

In January 2021, we launched the Safety Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Dashboard to provide a tool for our customers to use as a bridge between their experience mod and safety performance.

Author, Drew Garcia, Vice President, Landscape Group, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

Image of arborists looking at trees.

In January 2021, we launched the Safety Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Dashboard to provide a tool for our customers to use as a bridge between their experience mod and safety performance.

Our primary goals were to:

  • Eliminate surprises

  • Simplify concepts

  • Track performance

  • Highlight the positive and negative trends

  • Benchmark safety performance against industry competitors

An experience mod above 100 can limit a landscape company’s ability to be awarded jobs or maintain contracts, increase insurance premiums, and have other significant financial implications.

Our dashboard is a tool companies can use to strategically manage the underlying components that directly impact the experience mod and help project future experience mod deviations.  Rancho Mesa can help interpret the results and provide insights to help improve your performance.

Not a Rancho Mesa client but interested in seeing what your dashboard looks like? Complete our new KPI Dashboard quick form, to see how your company measures up.

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News, Workers' Compensation Guest User News, Workers' Compensation Guest User

Changes on Horizon Likely to Affect Workers’ Compensation

Author, Sam Clayton, Vice President, Construction Group, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

Changes by the WICRB typically take place at the first of every year and can impact workers’ compensation Pure Premium Rates, Expected Loss Rates (ELR) and Wage Thresholds. However, the WCIRB has amended its filing schedule in 2021 to take effect September 1st.

Author, Sam Clayton, Vice President, Construction Group, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

Image of hand holding wood blocks with up and down percentage on either side.

Businesses in California have become accustomed to many changes in legislation and the filings from the Workers’ Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau (WCIRB). 

Changes by the WICRB typically take place at the first of every year and can impact workers’ compensation Pure Premium Rates, Expected Loss Rates (ELR) and Wage Thresholds. However, the WCIRB has amended its filing schedule in 2021 to take effect September 1st.

Below are key changes that businesses should be aware of that can alter Experience Modification Rates (ExMod) and workers’ compensation renewal pricing.

Assembly Bill 1465

The proposed Assembly Bill 1465 (AB 1465) could have significant impact on workers’ compensation rates in the years to come.  If passed, AB 1465 will establish the California Medical Provider Network (CAMPN), a broad and largely unregulated network run entirely by the state that would apply to the workers’ compensation system.  All licensed physicians in good standing who elect to treat injured workers will be included in the network.  Injured workers can choose any provider within the network and can transfer among providers multiple times without any limitation.

If this bill passes and a CAMPN is created, employers can anticipate:

  • Doctor shopping by injured workers and attorneys;

  • Increase in temporary disability and time to return to work;

  • Increase in permanent disability ratings;

  • Overall increase in medical costs per claim;

  • Poorer quality medical reports due to fewer controls and less oversight.

Workers’ Compensation Rates

The WCIRB recently proposed a 2.7% workers’ compensation rate increase, effective 9/1/2021. This would be the first rate increase since 2015.  Updated fee schedules for med-legal review reports and physician office visits are what is driving this potential increase.

Expected Loss Rates

A characteristic of a Best Practice business is their focus on managing their ExMod. In simple terms, if a business’s ELR increases, it will have a positive effect on their ExMod. Conversely, if their industry’s ELR decreases, it will have a negative effect. While understanding what an ELR is and how it can specifically impact your ExMod is critical, this should be something your insurance advisor is explaining to you and projecting the impact it will have on your ExMod and ultimately your insurance premium.

To put this information at our clients’ finger tips, we have created a Key Performance Indicator (KPI) dashboard to not only show the impact of any changes in the ELR but also provide other key indicators like industry benchmarking, claim trending, and many other critical factors.  Request your customized KPI dashboard.

To stay up to date with these topics and related insurance news, subscribe to our weekly safety and risk management newsletter and podcast. Or, contact me directly at (619) 937-0167 or to discuss how your company may be affected.

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