Industry News

Cyber Attacks Threaten One-in-Six Firms’ Survival

Author, Sam Brown, Vice President of the Human Services Group, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

The dramatic increase in cyber-attacks since 2020 has resulted in employer pain and made headlines as the economic cost skyrockets. The recent Hiscox Cyber Readiness Report 2021 states that the number of firms attacked rose from 38% to 43%. Not surprisingly, more than 28% of those employers suffered multiple cyber-attacks.

Author, Sam Brown, Vice President of the Human Services Group, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

Image of arborists looking at trees.

The dramatic increase in cyber-attacks since 2020 has resulted in employer pain and made headlines as the economic cost skyrockets. The recent Hiscox Cyber Readiness Report 2021 states that the number of firms attacked rose from 38% to 43%. Not surprisingly, more than 28% of those employers suffered multiple cyber-attacks.

Determining the cost of a breach can be difficult, but the report states that one-in-six firms’ survival was threatened. Over 58% of firms hit with a ransom paid the threat-actors to regain access to the computer system and vital information. In 2020, the standalone cyber loss ratio increased to 73%, its highest level since separate cyber data were included in financial reporting, six years ago.

The increase in cyber-attacks and claim payouts is causing alarm in both insurance companies and businesses. According to the Insurance Journal, insurance companies are quoting significant premium rate increases and tighter coverage terms to improve underwriting performance and profitability. The average cyber renewal premium rate increased 11%. Meanwhile, written premiums for standalone cyber coverage increased 29% in 2020, a sign of growing demand.

The shift to a remote workforce and an increase in phishing email has tested network security systems. Fortunately, many insurance carriers now offer a cyber readiness assessment to help policyholders address vulnerabilities and avoid cyber-attacks.

As cyber-attacks continue, it is important for all employers to learn more about the specific exposures that cyber insurance coverage can cover along with ways to improve cyber security.

We will be offering a Cyber Liability workshop in the coming weeks, so be sure to look for that information on our workshops and webinars webpage.

Please contact me at (619) 937-0175 or to discuss our process of developing competitive quote options.

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