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Fire Prevention Month: Revisiting Fire Preparedness

Author, Megan Lockhart, Client Communications Coordinator, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

October is Fire Prevention Month. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) dedicated this month to spreading awareness for fire safety and prevention. The construction industry is particularly vulnerable to fire danger, making this a good time to re-evaluate your company’s fire hazards and training protocol. 

Author, Megan Lockhart, Client Communications Coordinator, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

October is Fire Prevention Month. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) dedicated this month to spreading awareness for fire safety and prevention. The construction industry is particularly vulnerable to fire danger, making this a good time to re-evaluate your company’s fire hazards and training protocol. 

Local fire departments responded to an average of 4,300 fires in structures under construction per year from 2016 to 2020, and 4,750 construction fires occurred in 2020 alone. A few of the most common causes of fires on the jobsite include hot work such as welding and soldering, temporary heaters and electrical lighting, flammable liquids and gasses, and smoking.

In addition to the fire hazards in the construction industry, the month of October poses high risk for wildfires across the state of California, especially Southern California. 

“Most fires happen between the months of April and October, as weather becomes warmer and drier,” an article published by CalMatters said. “In Southern California in particular, the hot and dry Santa Ana winds increase wildfire risk in October and November.”

As fire risk increases throughout this month, it's a good idea for clients to evaluate their fire safety programs and eliminate possible hazards. Rancho Mesa offers training resources in the SafetyOne™ app with several online courses for fire prevention.

Additional dates for our Wildfire Prevention and Wildfire Smoke Regulations webinar have been added to the calendar this month if clients are interested in registering.

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Construction, Human Services, Landscape, News Alyssa Burley Construction, Human Services, Landscape, News Alyssa Burley

7 Tips to Protect Your Business from a Fire

Author, Alyssa Burley, Client Services Coordinator, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services

As San Diego’s East County battles a series of wild fires, it is a perfect time for business owners to review their insurance policies and proactively manage their fire risk, especially those who are located in semi-rural and rural areas.

Author, Alyssa Burley, Client Services Coordinator, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services

As San Diego’s East County battles a series of wild fires, it is a perfect time for business owners to review their insurance policies and proactively manage their fire risk, especially those who are located in semi-rural and rural areas.

Wildfires can quickly turn into structure fires, which can devastate a business.  Unfortunately, San Diego County’s fire season has already begun.  With scorching temperatures and an abundance of dry brush left over from last year’s rains, this season is particularly dangerous.

In an instant, you can lose everything you have built.  Let us make sure you are covered.  And, let us help you protect your business with these easy and effective steps:

  1. Review your insurance policy with your broker.
  2. Comply with all fire safety codes – we can provide a fire safety company referral, if one is needed.
  3. Schedule regular landscaping around your building which includes lawns, brush and trees – we would love to introduce you to some of our landscape clients, if you need a referral.
  4. If a fire threat is issued in your immediate area, run the exterior sprinklers or dampen the building and landscaping with a hose.
  5. Keep fully charged fire extinguishers on site at all times and have your fire detection and suppression systems tested – we can provide a fire safety company referral, if one is needed.
  6. Train employees on what to do if there is a fire, including calling 911 and where to access a fire extinguisher – the Risk Management Center has training materials for fire prevention and fire extinguisher use.
  7. Have a formalized evacuation plan – the Risk Management Center has a great template to help get you started.

These steps are simple and effective ways to help protect your business from fires.

Contact Rancho Mesa with questions about your coverage.

The information in this article is believed to be reliable and accurate; however, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc. does not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. The suggestions in the article are not a complete list of every loss control measure. Also, this information is not intended to replace manuals or instructions provided by the manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional. Nor is it intended to effect coverage under our policy. Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc makes no guarantees of results from use of the information contained in this article.
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