Industry News

Top Three Professional Liability Exposures for Tree Care Companies
Author, Rory Anderson, Account Executive, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.
Professional tree care companies must have a general liability policy that will cover incidents that cause bodily injury or property damage resulting from their operations. However, there are situations that will not be covered under a typical general liability policy and would require professional liability coverage, or, in the tree care industry it would specifically be Arborist Errors and Omissions coverage. Here are three exposures that tree care companies face that a professional liability policy would address.
Author, Rory Anderson, Account Executive, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.
Professional tree care companies must have a general liability policy that will cover incidents that cause bodily injury or property damage resulting from their operations. However, there are situations that will not be covered under a typical general liability policy and would require professional liability coverage, or, in the tree care industry it would specifically be Arborist Errors and Omissions coverage. Here are three exposures that tree care companies face that a professional liability policy would address.
Tree Work
At times, tree care companies could inadvertently remove the wrong tree or prune a tree incorrectly causing various issues. As a result, the client may bring action against the tree care company for a number of reasons, including:
The loss of the intrinsic value the tree provided – shade, design, look, etc.;
The dollar value of the tree for replacement;
Mental distress suffered by the client.
Adjacent Trees
A professional tree care company can also be held responsible for damage caused by a failed tree that they did not even touch, but was on or nearby a recent jobsite. To be held liable for a failed tree (when a tree experiences structural collapse or breakage of any part of the tree: trunk, roots, or limbs) that they did not perform work on may seem unfair, but the client may claim that the arborist is the specialist and has a responsibility to point out any trees on a jobsite that could be dangerous.
Professional Tree Advice (Consulting)
Most tree care companies have a certified arborist who offers tree consulting and will give a professional opinion on whether or not a tree is safe. This leaves the tree care company potentially responsible in the event a tree that was deemed safe actually fails and causes property damage, or even worse, bodily injury to a human.
Tree work, adjacent trees and consulting are three common exposures not typically covered by a general liability policy; therefore, professional tree care companies must strongly consider some form of professional liability coverage. Work with your trusted insurance advisor and have them thoroughly assess your exposure to these concerns. To learn more about professional liability coverage for the tree care industry, listen to our StudioOne™ Safety and Risk Management Podcast Episode 99.
Contact me for a complete risk analysis of your operations at randerson@ranchomesa.com or (619) 486-6437.