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News, Landscape, Workers' Compensation Guest User News, Landscape, Workers' Compensation Guest User

Implementing Technology and Other Safety Tactics to Protect Your Fleet

Author, Greg Garcia, Account Executive, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

One of the most important practices for any landscape professional is fleet safety. Whether you have 10 trucks or 100, the exposure and risk remain the same. Explore a prior podcast episode, Episode #251, in which I delve into compelling statistics that shed light on the increasing frequency and severity of auto accidents each year.

Author, Greg Garcia, Account Executive, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

One of the most important practices for any landscape professional is fleet safety. Whether you have 10 trucks or 100, the exposure and risk remain the same. Explore a prior podcast episode, Episode #251, in which I delve into compelling statistics that shed light on the increasing frequency and severity of auto accidents each year.

Here are a few ways landscape professionals can improve their fleet safety:

1. GPS/Telematics Systems

A written fleet safety program is a must have for every organization, but how can you take that a step further? Some landscape professionals are turning to technology and installing GPS tracking systems in all of their trucks. These systems have the capabilities of tracking speeding, hard breaking, sharp turning, proper seat belt usage and other metrics. Not to mention, if a truck were ever stolen, they have the capabilities to track down and locate the stolen vehicle. 

I was at the National Association of Landscape Professionals’ (NALP) ELEVATE conference a few weeks back in Dallas and spoke with a landscaper who uses GPS on their trucks. I asked how they use the data that is collected. Their response was that each month they sit down and look at the data. They identify any glaring issues and work to get them resolved. For example, if a certain driver has been tracked speeding multiple times, they will sit that driver down and explain the importance of not speeding. They may even have them do a specific driver training course to help that individual become a better driver. Having GPS is a great start to improving fleet safety, but actually using the data collected and being proactive with that data is what the elite landscape company do.

2. Regular routine maintenance checks on vehicles

GPS tracks a vehicle while it’s driven, but what can be done before the vehicle even hits the road to help prevent accidents?  Routinely checking vehicles and performing maintenance on them can really have a impact on fleet safety. For example, regularly checking tire pressure, making sure oil changes are up to date, inspecting the brakes and monitoring tire wear are a few things that every landscape company should do to keep their vehicles running in tip top condition. 

3. Company Roll Out Procedure

Implementing a mandatory company roll-out check can have a significant impact. I have actually seen a few of these performed in person and it’s impressive. As the trucks leave the yard to head out for the day’s work, the driver signals both blinkers, flashes the headlights, cleans the windshield and mirrors, and performs a small brake check, all the while, an inspector is outside making sure all signals are working before the truck heads out. 

Finally, if a trailer is being used, check to make sure the trailer is properly hitched and the equipment in the trailer is tied down or stored securely. Taking time and performing these checks will certainly help prevent auto accidents in the future.

If you would like more information on putting together or updating your Fleet Safety program, reach out to me at or (619) 438-6905.

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News, Landscape, Workers' Compensation Guest User News, Landscape, Workers' Compensation Guest User

Pure Premium Increase for Landscape (0042) in Consecutive Years

Author, Greg Garcia, Account Executive, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

When my baseball career ended in 2021, it was time for me to do something new with my life. For me the decision was easy and one that I am very grateful for. My dad, Dave Garcia started Rancho Mesa 25 years ago and throughout the years he and many others have contributed into what Rancho Mesa is today, a 16-time National Best Practices Agency. I was fortunate enough to get an opportunity to join such an amazing organization.

Author, Greg Garcia, Account Executive, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

In September 2022, the Workers’ Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau (WCIRB) recommended a 9% increase in the pure premium rate for landscape class code 0042. Effective September of 2023, a 4% increase was recently approved, totaling 13% over the two-year span.

Pure Premium Rates arise from losses sustained and payroll submitted to the WCIRB from all workers’ compensation insurance companies. Per the California Department of Insurance (CDI), “Pure Premium Rates” are defined as “the cost of workers' compensation benefits and the expense to provide those benefits.” The WCIRB evaluates each individual class code and determines what the recommended rates will be for the upcoming year. This recommendation is made to the CDI who ultimately needs to reject or approve the recommendation. Once the pure premium rates are approved, each workers’ compensation insurance carrier will apply their individual least common multiple (LCM) which is an adjustment to the pure premium rate that takes into consideration business expenses and profit for the carrier, thus creating their individual base rates for each class code.

What does this all mean? The claim activity and claim cost as a whole have been increasing over the last two years for landscapes companies in California. This may signal the beginning of a hardening workers’ compensation market resulting in higher premium cost. 

What can be done to help combat these potential increases in premium? An increased attention to safety practices to reduce claims, a robust return to work program to mitigate cost of existing claims, proactive claim management, and consistent, documented safety training are a few of the ways that will help a landscape business remain best in class. 

Take control of your future costs and look to your existing risk management partners to help you accomplish your goals. For Rancho Mesa landscape clients, we do this through our customized and proprietary programs and tools, including:

These pure premium changes will take place on workers’ compensation insurance renewals after September of this year. Don’t be caught by surprise or unprepared.  We are here to help you proactively navigate through this. If you have any questions, want to learn more about our programs and tools, please feel free to reach out to me at or 619-438-6905.

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