Industry News

Cal/OSHA Updates: AB 1804 Changes How Injuries and Illnesses Are Reported
Author, Emily Marasso, Media Communications Assistant, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.
As of January 1, 2020, California Assembly Bill 1804 (AB 1804) changed how an employer reports a serious employee injury or illness to Cal/OSHA. The bill removes the option to submit the report via email and replaces it with an “online mechanism,” according to Labor Code section 6409.1 (b). Reports may continue to be made via phone.
Author, Emily Marasso, Media Communications Assistant, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.
As of January 1, 2020, California Assembly Bill 1804 (AB 1804) changed how an employer reports a serious employee injury or illness to Cal/OSHA. The bill removes the option to submit the report via email and replaces it with an “online mechanism,” according to Labor Code section 6409.1 (b). Reports may continue to be made via phone.
Until Cal/OSHA implements an online mechanism for collecting serious injury and illness reports like Fed/OSHA, emailed reports will be accepted. However, reports submitted by phone are always recommended over an emailed report. Reports submitted via phone or an online mechanism allows Cal/OSHA to ensure vital information is collected that is necessary to evaluate the seriousness of the injury or illness.
Cal/OSHA has not provided an estimated implementation date for the online report submission option.
As a reminder, California employers are required to report serious injury or illness of employees immediately. Serious injuries or illnesses must be reported as soon as practically possible. Deaths must be reported within 8 hours. All other injuries or illnesses must be reported once the employer learns of or should have known of the serious injury or illness.