CA Governor Issues Executive Order Making Workers’ Compensation Benefits More Readily Available to Essential Workers

Author, Sam Brown, Vice President, Human Services Group, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

Workers’ Comp Order.

On Wednesday, May 6 2020, California Governor Gavin Newsom issued an Executive Order making workers’ compensation benefits more readily available to essential workers.

The Executive Order states “any COVID-19-related illness of an employee shall be presumed to arise out of and in the course of employment for purposes of awarding workers’ compensation benefits if all of the following requirements are satisfied:

a.  The employee tested positive for or was diagnosed with COVID-19 within 14 days after a day that the employee performed labor or services at the employee’s place of employment at the employer’s direction;

b.  The day referenced in subparagraph (a) on which the employee performed labor or services at the employee’s place of employment at the employer’s direction was on or after March 19, 2020;

c.  The employee’s place of employment referenced in subparagraphs (a) and (b) was not the employee’s home or residence; and;

d.  Where subparagraph (a) is satisfied through a diagnosis of COVID-19, the diagnosis was done by a physician who holds a physician and surgeon license issued by the California Medical Board and that diagnosis is confirmed by further testing within 30 days of the date of the diagnosis.”

Insurance companies have 30 days from the date of a COVID-19 diagnosis to rebut with evidence.

According to the Executive Order, the presumption pertains only “to dates of injury occurring through 60 days following the date of this Order.”

The order establishes a rebuttable presumption that any essential workers infected with COVID-19 contracted the virus on the job. It is important to understand the order shifts the burden of proof from the injured worker and now requires employers or insurance companies to prove the employee didn’t get sick at the place of work.

Prior to the change, it was difficult to prove workers’ compensation claims related to a COVID-19 infection.

Rancho Mesa’s Response

In response to the Executive Order and other proposed rule changes, Rancho Mesa President David Garcia interviewed Berkshire Hathaway Homestate Companies President Rob Darby on the impact to California businesses and the workers’ compensation market. Berkshire Hathaway is one of the largest workers’ compensation insurance companies in California.

Read Governor Newsom’s Executive Order on Cal/Gov website.

Please contact your Rancho Mesa broker with questions specific to your business.


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