Update Your Handbook with Ease Using the RM365 HRAdvantage™ Handbook Builder

Author, Emily Marasso, Media Communications Assistant, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

Image of employee handbook in someones hand with laptop at desk.

The RM365 HRAdvantage™ portal offers an easy-to-follow process to build a company handbook from scratch. Choose from a single state or multi-state based handbook with the ability to include your own custom policies. The RM365 HRAdvantage™ portal helps keep your handbook up to date and compliant by sending alerts when policies change or need to be included.

Once your handbook is complete, you can easily rearrange your table of contents and distinguish between required, best practices and custom policies within your handbook. Policies in your handbook are chosen based on your state and employee count. Have a question about a policy or requirement and can’t find it in the portal?  Reach out to one of our HR experts through the portal via messaging or phone.   

Almost every day, the powers are announcing new guidelines and procedures for COVID-19 safety. With the help of the RM365 HRAdvantage™ portal, you can access a number of forms, fact sheets and posters for COVID-19 health and safety. We’ve made it easy to access these resources by linking them to the homepage. Find materials such as, sample work from home policies, sample telecommuting agreements and furlough letters. Simply click on ‘Comply’ in the menu bar and the COVID-19 link under ’Popular Tools’.

With so many of us working from home or under strict guidelines, now is the perfect time to review, modify or build your company handbook. Ready to get started building your handbook? Register for the “RM365 HRAdvantage Handbook Builder Tutorial” webinar today!


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