CAL/OSHA Adopts Written COVID-19 Prevention Plan

Author, Emily Marasso, Media Communications Assistant, Rancho Mesa Insurances Services, Inc.

Image of COVID-19 Prevention Plan notebook on desk with masks, gloves, and hand sanitizer.

On November 19, 2020, California’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (Cal/OSHA) Standards Board adopted temporary emergency standards to protect workers from COVID-19. These standards are expected to go into effect November 30, 2020, upon approval from the Office of Administrative Law.

Now, what does this mean for California employers? It means employers must have a written COVID-19 Prevention Plan. This written plan must include and address specific key points outlined by Cal/OSHA. These standards require employers to establish a system for communicating information about prevention, positive cases to employees, how cases will be identified and evaluated, a process for investigation and responding to cases, correction of hazards, training, physical distancing requirements, face covering, site-specific controls, reporting/recordkeeping and access, preventing the spread of the virus to other employees and a defined return-to-work criteria after a COVID-19 recovery.

Rancho Mesa Insurance has developed a COVID-19 Prevention Plan template for its clients to assist in the implementation and compliance of the new standards. Updated versions may become available as the standards are approved by the end of the month.

In addition, Rancho Mesa’s Risk Management Center offers additional tools employers can utilize to make sure they are in compliance with the new standards. Track daily COVID-19 symptoms in the Audit Track screen and deploy free online COVID-19 training for all employees from any mobile device. Our library of COVID-19 resources continues to grow and is available for our clients to access from the Risk Management Center and the RM365 HRAdvantage Portal™.   

For information on how to access these resources, please reach out to your Client Services contact.


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