About / Our Team / Greg Garcia

Phone: (619) 438-6905

Greg Garcia

Account Executive, Landscape Group

Greg grew up surrounded by the game of baseball, it was the “family business.” After 10 years of professional baseball, five of which came at the major league level playing for the St. Louis Cardinals and San Diego Padres, it was time for him to join another team. Greg arrives at Rancho Mesa eager to make his mark. He is working in tandem with Drew specializing in only insuring landscape professionals. Rancho Mesa is excited to have Greg’s dedicated work ethic, team mindset, and drive to excel as a part of the landscape group.


Account Executive, July 2021 - Present
Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.


RM365 Advantage Safety Star™ Certificate


National Association of Landscape Professionals


Greg grew up in San Diego, CA. He still lives in San Diego with his wife and two daughters. Greg enjoys golfing and spending time with his family. 
