Signing Up for Safety

Author, Greg Garcia, Account Executive, Landscape Group, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

There are many tips, ideas, and systems involved in creating a safe culture in the landscape industry. The most common practice landscape companies implement with regards to safety are regular safety meetings.

For these meetings to be effective, you need to ask yourself three questions:

  1. What should be discussed during these safety meetings?

  2. How often do we really need to have these meetings?

  3. Where can I find content for these meetings?

Let’s take a look at each question in more detail. 

What should be discussed in these safety meetings? The easy answer is we will just talk about an accident that has recently occurred. That seems like a good approach, but it’s more of a reactive approach than proactive. Make no mistake about it, it is very important to go over safety regarding a previous incident, and take the necessary steps to help prevent that incident from happening again.  However, a great safety culture includes a more proactive approach by covering safety topics before an incident occurs.  Examples of good topics for safety meetings include something as simple as “Operating a Leaf Blower” to more pressing issues like “Handling Medical Emergencies and Jobsite Injuries.”

Secondly, how often do we need to hold these meetings? The quick answer as often as possible, but we recommend weekly safety meetings as they are the best way to create and change culture for the better. Weekly meetings build consistency. And, these good habits create a safety first culture by emphasizing safety and showing your employees that their wellbeing is a top priority. Plus, OSHA requires safety meetings at least every ten working days, so scheduling them weekly ensures you are meeting that requirement.

Finally, and what seems to be the most important question, is where can I find content for these safety meetings? Rancho Mesa wants to help provide that content. We publish a weekly landscape specific safety tailgate email. These emails arrive in your inbox every Tuesday and range from proper equipment use like “Avoiding Mower-Related Injuries,” to specific injury topics such as “Preventing Heat-Related Illness.” Our 52-week tailgate topics are not only landscape specific, but they correspond to the seasons, as well. So, you will not be receiving a topic on Heat Illness in the middle of winter, instead that topic is more likely to come out in the summer months. There are both English and Spanish versions of these tailgate topics that can be downloaded. These safety emails are something that our clients are taking full advantage of, and is a great way to take the burden of finding landscape specific safety topics off your plate, every week.

In an effort to serve and support the overall health and safety of the landscape community, we offer these trainings without charge to any landscape company that is interested in receiving them. Sign up to receive these trainings every week.

If you have any questions or would like more assistance in developing your safety program, contact me at 619-438-6905 or email me at


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