Importance of Implementing a Stretch and Mobility Program

Author, Greg Garcia, Account Executive, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

Strains are one of the top workers’ compensation injuries affecting landscape companies. The Federal Bureau of Labor Statistics states that back strains account for almost 20% of all workers’ compensation injuries. When analyzing this data, we see there is a common theme - a lack of preventative measures to avoid back strains. 

One of the reasons for the frequency of these back strain claims is due to the fact that employees are not properly stretching nor engaged before they perform their work for the day. With regards to safety, the top landscape companies have all implemented a stretch and mobility program of some kind. 

Every day, there are two great opportunities to implement a stretch and mobility program. One of which would be at a morning huddle and the other would be at the jobsite. In either case, the most important take away is that there is a stretch program being implemented before the employees engage in any physical activity.

Knowing the importance of a stretch and mobility program for our clients, Rancho Mesa created the RM365 Advantage Mobility & Stretch™ Program for them to implement. We collaborated with a certified professional trainer to create a stretch and mobility program that is designed to help eliminate some of these injuries. 

One version of the program can be completed at the morning huddle (without using a truck) and the other can be done at the jobsite (using a truck). Both versions are available in English and Spanish with pictures and descriptions of the movements that need to be performed. 

Using Rancho Mesa’s SafetyOne™ mobile app, clients can document every day that they performed the RM365 Advantage Mobility & Stretch™ Program with a quick photo showing their employees in action.

By creating these simple programs and implementing it on a daily basis, we aim to lower the chances of our client’s employees being injured; thus, creating a safer work environment. In addition, limiting these types of claims will also help to lower the company’s experience MOD, which can also help create savings on workers’ compensation premiums. 

For landscapers who currently do not have a stretch and mobility program, I would encourage them to reach out to their insurance advisor to help set one up. Or, take a look at the RM365 Advantage Mobility & Stretch™ Program on Rancho Mesa’s website.

Feel free to contact me with any questions about implementing a stretch and mobility program at or (619) 438-6905.


Guidance for Developing an Effective Injury and Illness Prevention Program


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