Ep. 278 New OSHA Log Features Released in HR Portal

Rancho Mesa's Alyssa Burley and Media Communications & Client Services Coordinator Megan Lockhart discuss the new OSHA Log features that were recently released in the RM365 HRAdvantage™ Portal. 

Show Notes: Subscribe to Rancho Mesa's Newsletter.
OSHA’s Injury Tracking Application Website
RM365 HRAdvantage™ Portal

Director/Host: Alyssa Burley

Guest: Megan Lockhart

Producer/Editor: Lauren Stumpf

Music: "Home" by JHS Pedals, “News Room News” by Spence

© Copyright 2023. Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc. All rights reserved.


[Introduction Music]

Alyssa Burley: Hi! This is Alyssa Burley with Rancho Mesa’s Media Communications and Client Services Department. Thank you for listening to today’s top Rancho Mesa news brought to you by our safety and risk management network, StudioOne™. Welcome back, everyone. My guest is Megan Lockhart, Media Communications and Client Services Coordinator with Rancho Mesa. Today, we’re going to talk about the new OSHA Log features that were just released in the RM365 HRAdvantage™ Portal. Megan, welcome to the show.

Megan Lockhart: Hi, it’s great to be here!

AB: Well, this is really exciting. We love to announce new features. And, what a perfect time to release an OSHA log feature update right as our clients are actively preparing their OSHA 300A Summaries, and of course, to be posted February 1st and the .csv file to be uploaded to fed OSHA’s website. So, tell us what’s new for OSHA Logs in the HR Portal?

ML: Yeah, so, in the most recent update, we’ve added a new OSHA log feature that allows clients to document their OSHA recordable incidents in the RM365 HRAdvantage™ portal. Previously, clients documented their incidents in our old risk management platform. However, moving forward, they’ll use the HR portal to track this information.

AB: That’s really helpful, since most of our client’s HR personnel are the ones that are actually taking the reports, documenting incidents, and working with the workers’ compensation carriers. So, it makes sense that this feature has been moved to the HR portal. How does the new OSHA log feature work?

ML: So, when a workplace injury, illness, or death occurs, the HR user will make an entry on the OSHA Log in the HR portal. At any time, they can review the data, filter by employee, location or the type of injury or illness. Plus, if OSHA shows up, they can always generate the 300 Form and 300A Summary. 

AB: Does this feature simplify the annual reporting requirement?  

ML: Yes. So, each year, by March 2, covered employers must submit their 300A Summary data to the federal OSHA’s Injury Tracking Application website. Alyssa, can we include a link to the website in the episode notes?

AB: Of course.

ML: Great. The HR portal can generate a .CSV file that contains all of the 300A Summary information. Once it’s generated, the HR person can log into the OSHA website and upload the file.

AB: That sounds easy enough.

ML: Yeah, and there are other features like the OSHA Report that provides management with data analytics about their workplace injuries and illnesses. Using easy to read graphs, the report helps to identify specific employees, job titles, and departments that may have safety issues that need to be addressed. The report also shows trends in body part injuries. This data can be used to identify trainings that are needed to prevent future injuries. 

AB: Megan, if listeners want to start using the new OSHA log screen in the HR Portal, how do they get it?

ML: Well, if you’re a current Rancho Mesa client, you already have access to the OSHA log screen. Just login to the HR portal, click “Safety” in the navigation bar, then choose “OSHA Log.” You’ll be able to start tracking your incidents right away.

[Outro Music]

AB: Megan, thanks for joining me in StudioOne™.

ML: Thanks for having me.

AB: This is Alyssa Burley with Rancho Mesa. Thanks for tuning in to our latest episode produced by StudioOne™. For more information, visit us at ranchomesa.com and subscribe to our weekly newsletter.


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