Ep. 276 Rancho Mesa Launches SafetyOne™ App

Rancho Mesa's media communications & client services team Alyssa Burley, Lauren Stumpf, and Megan Lockhart announce Rancho Mesa's new SafetyOne™ desktop and mobile application.

Show Notes: Subscribe to Rancho Mesa's Newsletter.

Director/Host: Alyssa Burley

Guest: Megan Lockhart, Lauren Stumpf

Producer/Editor: Lauren Stumpf

Music: "Home" by JHS Pedals, “News Room News” by Spence

© Copyright 2023. Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc. All rights reserved.


[Introduction Music]

Alyssa Burley: Hi! This is Alyssa Burley with Rancho Mesa’s Media Communications and Client Services Department. Thank you for listening to today’s top Rancho Mesa news brought to you by our safety and risk management network, StudioOne™. Welcome back, everyone. My guests are Rancho Mesa’s Lauren Stumpf, Media Communications and Client Services Specialist and Megan Lockhart, Media Communications and Client Services Coordinator. Today, we have some really big client services news to announce. Lauren, Megan, thank you for joining me.

Lauren Stumpf: Hi Alyssa, thanks for having us.

Megan Lockhart: Yeah! Great to be here.   

AB: Now, Rancho Mesa periodically evaluates our client services like our tech platforms that assist clients with things like their safety and risk management programs and their human resources needs. So, over four years ago, we could see there was going to be a need to provide an updated safety and risk management platform in the future that was more cohesive to the way that our clients are actually working. And we know technology changes so fast that our current platform, while it worked really well for nearly a decade, it was becoming outdated because it didn’t utilize the most current technology. So, we decided to launch our own proprietary application to replace our old platform. And, this is really no easy feat. It took a lot of research and planning. Lauren, will you talk about the process Rancho Mesa went through to get to the point where we are at now?

LS: Of course, like you mentioned, it was back in 2019 when we started looking at other commercially available safety and risk management platforms. And we started comparing functionality and flexibility to our existing platform. We could see at the time, our platform was a pretty solid product and no others could really compete. However, we wanted something that was easy to implement, easy to use, and could support a mobile application. We began working with an international app developer based in the UK that had a product that did almost everything we wanted, but there were a couple of deal breakers that we just couldn’t find a fix for. So, we continued our search. After many demos for various safety applications, it was actually a conversation with a client of ours that resulted in a recommendation for a development company that could create our very own SafetyOne™ desktop and mobile application.   

AB: It certainly was a long process to get to this point. And, once we met the developer and they showed us what they could do, we knew this was the route that we wanted to take. The other commercially available options didn’t give us much control or input into how the platform would actually work. So, we knew we would have to go another route. Rancho Mesa had a lot of requirements for our new application. Megan, what are some of the features you think clients are really going to be excited about?

ML: Yeah, so, first and foremost is the mobile app. Putting the SafetyOne™ application on mobile devices is a game changer. Foreman and supervisors will be able to perform their toolbox talks using their smart phone or tablet. And, employees can easily sign the device’s screen showing they participated in the meeting. Mobile forms can collect data for everything from accident forms to daily jobsite reports. And any paper form can be converted to a mobile form. Safety mangers can perform their safety observations using our library of questions or add their own. And, all the data that is collected from the mobile device is sent back into the client’s database. It really streamlines the entire data collection process. Also, office personnel will love the SafetyOne™ administrator website where they can see analytics for all their crews, projects, programs and facilities. And there are so many other features, but I think those are the ones our clients are gonna be the most excited about.

AB: We are all excited about the robust functionality of the SafetyOne™ app. How can clients get the new application?

LS: We’ll be reaching out to our clients individually to schedule their transition from our previous platform to the SafetyOne™ app. So, be on the lookout for an email from our Client Services team.  We plan to hit the ground running and get the SafetyOne™ app implemented as soon as possible. 

ML: Yeah, and we’ll be hosting webinars for administrators and mobile users to ensure everyone is comfortable using the SafetyOne™ app. Mobile users will be able to view our library of short video tutorials on each feature. So, make sure you’re checking the Rancho Mesa newsletter for our upcoming webinars on SafetyOne™.

AB: I am so excited for the SafetyOne™ desktop and mobile app launch. And, I know our clients are going to really love how easy it is to setup and use. It’s really a differentiator for us. And, I can’t wait to start showing clients over the next couple of months. Like Lauren mentioned, we’ll be reaching out to our clients to get them transitioned over to the new SafetyOne™ app and we’ll be discontinuing the old platform in quarter 2 of 2023. So, we’re going to be moving fast. With that, Lauren, Megan, thank you for joining me in StudioOne™.

[Outro Music]

LS: Thanks Alyssa!

ML: Thanks for having us!

AB: This is Alyssa Burley with Rancho Mesa. Thanks for tuning in to our latest episode produced by StudioOne™. For more information, visit us at ranchomesa.com and subscribe to our weekly newsletter.


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