Rancho Mesa Welcomes New Year at Annual Kickoff Meeting

Author, Lauren Stumpf, Media Communications Coordinator, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc. held its annual Kick Off Meeting on Friday, January 10, 2020 at the Brigantine seafood and oyster bar in La Mesa, CA. President and CEO Dave Garcia spoke about the company’s success in 2019 by reaching impressive goals.

The room was filled with a positive energy, as Dave praised the team for their hard work and dedication while reviewing the team’s 2019 achievements. He addressed one goal after another, as they were all met or exceeded expectations.  

Dave expressed his enthusiasm for the 2020 year, as he highlighted some very exciting projects coming to life in the new year. With the opening of the La Mesa office, 2020 should be an exciting year of growth and achievement for Rancho Mesa.

During the kickoff meeting Dave announced Rancho Mesa’s theme for 2020, “Above and Beyond.” This covers two categories: the customer service we provide to our clients and the tangible services we develop to help them identify and manage risk. Above and Beyond 2020 video, produced by Rancho Mesa’s StudioOne™, premiered at the meeting; outlining how Rancho Mesa is going above and beyond the level of expectation and continuing to provide OneofOne® solutions. The video can be viewed below.


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