The Final Chapter: Addressing Training, Access and Recordkeeping in the IIPP

Author, Jack Marrs, Associate Account Executive, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

In this third installment of exploring an Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP), we will be taking a closer look at: Providing employee training and instruction, procedures to allow employee access to the program, and recordkeeping and documentation.

Providing Employee Training and Instruction

Providing clear and effective training for both employees and supervisors is essential for the success of an IIPP. All employees are required to be fully aware of the workplace hazards they may face. Comprehensive and well-conducted trainings can help reduce the likelihood of work-related injuries and illnesses. An article from The State Fund suggests “If you are unable to conduct your own required trainings, you should reach out to an outside consultant, Cal/OSHA consultation, vendors, your insurance carrier, and/or broker for assistance.” The more knowledgeable and prepared employees are, the safer the work environment becomes.

Take a look at the training resources that are available to your organization. Rancho Mesa clients can access the online safety training courses in the SafetyOne™ platform.

Procedures to Access the IIPP

All employees are required to have access to the written IIPP. This will ensure that all employees are fully aware of the safety protocols and hazard prevention strategies used to minimize workplace accidents and illnesses and thus, maintain a safe workplace.

According to Cal/OSHA, employers can meet this requirement by:

1. Unobstructed access through a company server or website, which allows employees to review, print, or email a copy of the IIPP

2. When requested, provide a printed copy of the IIPP (unless the employee agrees to receive an electronic copy)

The IIPP can be made accessible to users of the SafetyOne mobile app. It allows organizations to upload digital files into a file cabinet that is available only to their users.  For employees who aren’t SafetyOne app users, they could scan a QR code or complete a webform to request the IIPP from their administrator.  However your organization decides to distribute the IIPP, it should be easy for employees to access or request.  

Recordkeeping and Documentation

Recordkeeping and proper documentation are crucial components of the IIPP. By maintaining accurate records, employers can learn from past incidents and identify injury and illness trends. This knowledge allows for necessary corrections and improvements in future operations, which will improve overall workplace safety. There are 5 steps required by the OSHA for a compliant recordkeeping system:

  1. Each employer (unless exempt by size or industry) must record each fatality, injury, or illness that is work-related, is a new case, or meets one or more of the general recording criteria specified in Title 8, Section 14300.

  2. Record each injury or illness on the Cal/OSHA Log of Occupational Work Related Injuries and Illnesses (Form 300) according to its instructions.

  3. Prepare an Injury and Illness Incident Report (Form 301), or equivalent.

  4. Annually review and certify the Cal/OSHA Form 300 and post the Summary of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses (Form 300A) no later than February 1 and keep it posted where employees can see it until April 30.

  5. Maintain the last five years of these records in your files.

A simple way to collect the incident information required for the OSHA logs (Form 300, 300A and 301) can be obtained by utilizing SafetyOne’s mobile forms. Either through the mobile app or via a QR Code or web link, employees can complete accident investigation forms and witness statements digitally.  Then, the person responsible for documenting and maintaining the OSHA logs, can review the reports that came in through the mobile app and document the OSHA logs in the RM365 HRAdvantage Portal.

Rancho Mesa will host several webinars in the coming months to assist clients with understanding the best practices for completing their OSHA logs using SafetyOne™ and the RM365 HRAdvantage Portal.

Cal/OSHA has a Guide to Developing Your Workplace Injury and Illness Prevention Program that is helpful for organizations that need some assistance with getting started.

Rancho Mesa also has a 6-page Sample Injury and Illness Prevention Overview for California Employers available through our RM365 HRAdvantage Portal.

Following these steps is a proactive approach to building a safer working environment for all employees. The bottom line, it’s all about mitigating accidents before they happen and building a safe work environment.

Please contact me with any questions regarding the IIPP at (619)-486-6569 or via email at


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