Nurse Triage Can Save You Time and Money

Author, Casey Craig, Account Executive, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

Image of medical professional on phone.

When dealing with minor injuries, one of the last places you want your employees having to go right now is to a clinic or hospital emergency room. What are ways that you can keep your employees well cared for, without subjecting them to the added exposure of a waiting room? Telephonic Nurse Triage allows your employee to have a conversation with a registered nurse and possibly avoid the trip to a clinic or emergency room.

The advantages of using nurse triage include:

  • Timely Claim Reporting

  • Quick Proper Treatment          

  • Improved Productivity

  • Lower Claim Costs

  • Reduced Litigation

The average call to a nurse triage provider is 8-12 minutes, which includes the introductory questions. This process can save your company countless hours while still getting your employee the proper care needed. Additionally, should the injured employee require further care, the nurse can help direct the employee to the nearest approved clinic or hospital within your insurance provider’s Medical Provider Network (MPN).

Nurse Triage has developed into a much needed resource in the workers’ compensation field. Recognizing this, some insurance carriers have begun integrating this service into their own claims management process. At Rancho Mesa, educating our clients on options and resources like these help us stay on the leading edge of technology. If you would like assistance in exploring Nurse Triage or other cost saving programs, please contact Alyssa Burley, Client Services Manager, at


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