Help Control Your Workers’ Compensation Claim Costs through Accident Investigation

Authors, Dave Garcia, AAI, CRIS, President and CEO, and Drew Garcia, NALP Program Director from Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc. 

When a workers’ compensation claims occurs, in order to both control the costs of the claim and look for preventive measures to reduce or eliminate similar claims from reoccurring, it is vital that a thorough accident investigation report is completed. The accident investigation report should be completed at the time of the accident, by the supervisor overseeing the injured employee, and contain the following information:

  • Employee name, date, time and location of the accident,
  • A description of how the injury occurred and the job duties the employee was performing when they were injured,
  • The employee’s body part(s) that were reported as injured,
  • If witnesses were present when the accident occurred, document their names and statements using the Witness’ Statement of Employee Accident or Near Miss Report,
  • Pictures of the injury and accident area,
  • Recommendations or changes that could be made to eliminate or reduce the potential for a similar claim in the future.

The goals of this process are:

  • To have a timely and accurate record of the accident or incident that allows the claim to be reported to the insurance carrier in a timely manner.
  • To help you to reduce the chance of fraudulent claims through documentation, pictures and witness statements.
  • To analyze the root cause of the accident or near miss and implement the needed recommendations to reduce or eliminate the likelihood of future claims.

As a 10-time National Best Practices Agency, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc. understands the importance of implementing the highest standards of Risk Management practices for our clients.  So, as part of our RM365 Advantage™ program, we have developed our own proprietary Employee Accident Report and Witness Statement to assist our clients with documentation of their accidents or near misses. 


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