Ep. 306 SafetyOne™ Mobile Forms Get Revised Layout

Rancho Mesa's Alyssa Burley and Media Communications & Client Services Coordinator Megan Lockhart discuss the latest revisions to the SafetyOne™ App.

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SafetyOne™ App

Director/Host: Alyssa Burley

Guest: Megan Lockhart

Producer/Editor: Lauren Stumpf

Music: "Home" by JHS Pedals, “News Room News” by Spence

© Copyright 2023. Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc. All rights reserved.


[Introduction Music]

Alyssa Burley: Hi! This is Alyssa Burley with Rancho Mesa’s Media Communications and Client Services Department. Thank you for listening to today’s top Rancho Mesa news brought to you by our safety and risk management network, StudioOne™. Welcome back, everyone. My guest is Megan Lockhart, Media Communications and Client Services Coordinator with Rancho Mesa. Today, she’s going to tell us about the latest revisions to the SafetyOne™ App. Megan, welcome to the show.

Megan Lockhart: Yeah, thanks for having me.

AB: So, our developers are constantly working to improve the SafetyOne™ app and website, which I think is awesome. And they’ve made some layout changes to our mobile forms. Will you give us the highlights that our clients will see?

ML: Of course. The SafetyOne™ platform has been updated with design changes to the mobile forms screen when accessing the screen through the website, scanning the QR Code, or following the URL link.

AB: So, the changes are only affecting those who access the mobile forms outside of the actual mobile app?

ML: Yes, our clients’ employees typically access the mobile forms to collect data like for daily jobsite reports or incident investigations, but sometimes third parties or employees who normally don’t use the app may need to complete a mobile form. So, they access the forms by way of a URL sent in an email, scan a QR code, or if they’re an administrator, they can complete a mobile form through the website.

AB: So, what specifically has changed?

ML: So, the header with the form’s name, project name, and report title has been moved to the center top of the screen. Also, a new icon has been added to the signature field, and brackets appear around groups of questions indicating they will be repeated. Also, for fields with multiple option pulldowns, the selections chosen appear at the top of the field. All of these design changes were made to visually improve the look of the mobile forms outside of the mobile app.

AB: Have any changes been made to the mobile app design?

ML: No, the mobile app users won’t see any design changes with the latest update, but our developers are always working on ways to improve the application’s functionality. And, we expect improvements in the coming months.

AB: Megan, if listeners have questions about the SafetyOne™ app, who should they contact?

ML: Our clients can reach out to their Client Services Coordinator or anyone at Rancho Mesa and we’ll make sure to put you in touch with the right person. Clients can also utilize our frequently asked questions library and tutorial videos at ranchomesa.com/safetyone-app.

[Outro Music]

AB: And we’ll also put a link to both of those in the episode notes. Megan, thanks for joining me in StudioOne™.

ML: Of course, thank you!

AB: This is Alyssa Burley with Rancho Mesa. Thanks for tuning in to our latest episode produced by StudioOne™. For more information, visit us at ranchomesa.com and subscribe to our weekly newsletter. 


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