Rancho Mesa News

Drew Garcia Gives Best Practices Advice in Safety+Health Magazine
Author, Lauren Stumpf, Media Communications Coordinator, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.
Vice President of the Landscape Group at Rancho Mesa and NALP’s Safety and Risk Management Committee Chair, Drew Garcia, was quoted in the article “Beware of Dog,” published on March 29, 2020 in Safety+Health, the official magazine of the National Safety Council Congress & Expo.
Author, Lauren Stumpf, Media Communications Coordinator, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.
Vice President of the Landscape Group at Rancho Mesa and NALP’s Safety and Risk Management Committee Chair, Drew Garcia, was quoted in the article “Beware of Dog,” published on March 29, 2020 in Safety+Health, the official magazine of the National Safety Council Congress & Expo.
Drew Garcia, shared his insight with Barry Bottino about the threat that homeowners’ dogs may pose to working professionals.
Specifically addressing residential landscape professionals, Drew gives advice on performing a job hazard analysis, addressing any concerns with the homeowner, and then making a plan to keep any dog(s) away from the work area.
According to Drew, it is best practices to keep in mind that some dogs can be aggressive, and to never approach dogs you are not familiar with.
Drew’s complete responses and the full article can be found at SafetyandHealthMagazine.com.