Safety Spotlight

Client Spotlight: Peak Landscape Featured on Cover of Lawn & Landscape Magazine

Author, Lauren Stumpf, Media Communications Coordinator, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

Rancho Mesa client Brian Connors, President of Peak Landscape Inc., can be seen on the cover of this month’s November 2019 issue of industry leading Lawn & Landscape Magazine.

Safety Spotlight: Century Painting Corporation Safety Van

Author, Lauren Stumpf , Media Communications Assistant, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc .

Century Painting Corporation acquired the innovative Safety Training Unit, also known simply as the Safety Van, in May 2018 and the benefits have been endless. The Safety Van is equipped with safety training topics, tools, and protective equipment. Safety meetings were previously held at the Century Painting office, but now Eddie Lopez, Safety Coordinator of Century Painting Corp. travels to the jobsites and trains the employees on the spot; saving time and reducing hassle for the workers. The Safety Van has job specific trainings loaded onto the TV mounted to the back of the van, making it convenient for Eddie to open the van, set up chairs, and give safety presentations to the workers at the jobsite.