Rancho Mesa News
RM365 Advantage Safety Star Program™ Adds New Ladder Safety Module
Author, Lauren Stumpf, Media Communications Coordinator, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.
Rancho Mesa is pleased to announce the addition of the Ladder Safety module to its RM365 Advantage Safety Star Program™ for construction safety.
Author, Lauren Stumpf, Media Communications Coordinator, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.
Rancho Mesa is pleased to announce the addition of the Ladder Safety module to its RM365 Advantage Safety Star Program™ for construction safety.
ICW Group’s Tom Jolliff, Sr. Risk Management Consultant and Rick Fineman, Vice President of Risk Management Services provide 50 minutes of practical ladder safety information in the training module.
Ladder safety has been in the top 10 OSHA-cited violations for the past 5 years. As a business owner, supervisor or safety manager, you must find a way to get ahead of this problem and improve your safety program starting with ladder safety. In this module, you will learn:
Alarming trends with ladder safety.
Ways to reduce the frequency of injuries from ladder falls.
Ways to ensure you are using the proper equipment for the job at hand.
Components of a proper ladder safety program for your company.
To complete the RM365 Safety Star Program™, all participants will take the Accident Investigation and Analysis module while choosing two remaining modules from Mobility & Stretch/ABLE Lift Protocol, Fall Protection, Heat Illness Prevention, Ladder Safety, and Fleet Safety.
The construction program can be completed 100% online or through a combination of online and in-person workshop modules.
To enroll in the RM365 Advantage Safety Star Program™ today, visit www.ranchomesa.com/rm365-advantage-safety-star-program and fill out the application.