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Workshop Video Library Offers On-Demand Training

Author, Alyssa Burley, Client Services Coordinator, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

Leaving the office or job site to attend a workshop can be difficult for some Rancho Mesa clients. So, we've provided two easy ways to access the workshop videos on-demand from the video library within the Risk Management Center or through the Workshop Video Request Form.

Author, Alyssa Burley, Client Services Coordinator, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

Leaving the office or job site to attend a workshop can be difficult for some Rancho Mesa clients. So, we've provided two easy ways to access the workshop videos on-demand from the video library within the Risk Management Center or through the Workshop Video Request Form.

To view a workshop video on-demand, login to the Risk Management Center, navigate to the Risk Management Library and locate the Rancho Mesa folder. There, you will find the Workshops & Webinar list. 

To request a video if you don't have access to the Risk Management Center, go to the Workshop page on the RanchoMesa.com website, scroll down to the “Previous Workshops” section. Click on the “Request a Workshop Video” button, complete the form and we’ll send you a link to view the video.

Requesting a video via the RanchoMesa.com website makes it easy for employees who may not have access to the Risk Management Center to watch valuable training videos, or for prospective clients who want to see the types of resources that are available to clients.

Available on-demand workshop videos include:

  • Early Return to Work Program
  • Employee Benefits: EaseCentral
  • Employment Law Update 2018
  • Fleet Safety
  • Fraud Within the CA Workers’ Compensation System
  • Heat Illness Prevention
  • Mod Doctor (Landscape)    
  • Nonprofit Risk Management
  • On-Site Health & Safety
  • OSHA Reporting Series: Generating the 300A Electronic Report
  • Risk Management Center Overview

Contact Alyssa Burley at (619) 438-6869 for questions about the Risk Management Center, workshops, webinars or on-demand videos.

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Human Services, News Alyssa Burley Human Services, News Alyssa Burley

Rancho Mesa Offers Specialized NonProfit Risk Management Center

Author, Alyssa Burley, Client Services Coordinator, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc., specializing in Nonprofit and Human Services since 1989, recently added The Nonprofit Risk Management Center, headquartered in Leesburg, Virginia, to its already strong compliment of Nonprofit and Human Services risk management resources. This unique tool allows Rancho Mesa to identity its clients’ exposures within their individual missions and address potential shortcomings in existing risk management plans.

Author, Alyssa Burley, Client Services Coordinator, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc., specializing in Nonprofit and Human Services since 1989, recently added The Nonprofit Risk Management Center, headquartered in Leesburg, Virginia, to its already strong compliment of Nonprofit and Human Services risk management resources. This unique tool allows Rancho Mesa to identity its clients’ exposures within their individual missions and address potential shortcomings in existing risk management plans.

“The cost of an insurance claim to a nonprofit often extends beyond repairing property or medical bills”, notes Sam Brown, Vice President Human Services Group at Rancho Mesa.  “Exhausted employee capital, damage to decade’s worth of goodwill in the community, and the slowing of private donations can all happen in a matter of days. The Nonprofit Risk Management Center helps Rancho Mesa clients avoid claims and unforeseen costs.”

“We enable nonprofit leaders to identify and manage risks that threaten their missions and operations, while empowering them to leverage opportunities and take bold, mission-advancing risks,” according to NonprofitRisk.org.

Rancho Mesa now offers its clients the following resources:

  • My Risk Assessment: Each question and answer module identifies risk, notes gaps, and offers specific advice.
  • Risk Help: Unlimited risk management advice by phone or email,
  • My Risk Management Policies: Online access to 100+ customizable risk management templates.
  • My Risk Management Plan: Online access to customizable modules; includes employment practices, harm to clients, transportation, alcohol service policy, volunteer management and financial management.
  • Webinar vault (150+ videos): Sample topics include Legal Risk, Financial Risk, and Children & Family Services

Please contact Sam Brown or Chase Hixson to learn how Rancho Mesa Insurance Services and the Nonprofit Risk Management Center can protect your organization’s interests.

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